Chap. 41 - Out of Logic

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Mirana: - Commander. Do you receive me? - He spoke through the cockpit communicator.

Icarus: - This is Icarus. I receive it. -

Mirana: - The civilians are safe. I'm coming home." -

Icarus: - Understood. Something new? -

Mirana: - Negative. After passing the imperial border control we did not have any problems. When they asked me why I was in that area, I answered that it was because I received the call for help. -

Icarus: - Very good. And... What is the official account of this event? -

Mirana: - "An unknown pirate ship assaulted a civilian transporter. Given the chaos no one could see what was happening clearly. Had it not been for a "civilian pilot" thousands of lives would have been lost. -

Icarus: - Perfect. So you were like the heroine of this whole story. -

Mirana: - Something like that. Me and my ship Trident. The Kestrel Nova kept its distance from everything. No one could see more than that. -

Icarus: - Perfect. It seems we still have our operations in the shadows. Return to Gwori and await our arrival. -

Mirana: - Understood. I also have good information. I think I found something of value. -

Icarus: - Very good. He tells me the details at the base. Over and out. -

The Kandosii kept traveling through hyperspace for long hours, but no one had much time to rest. The droids kept the ship operational, while engineers kept checking the battleship's barely repaired systems. It was quite an old model, and the damage received during the battle was only severe, but Icarus did not want to take any chances.

Wag Too: - This ship is incredible. Despite being so old. - He said as he entered the cockpit.

Icarus: - It was the jewel in the crown of the Mandalorian crusades. A pride of the warriors of the past. Tell me. What is our state? -

Wag Too: - The systems resist. We will reach Gwori without any problems. We have several serious problems, but we can solve them once we are in a safe space. -

Icarus: - Tell me the details. -

Wag Too: - Most of the port hull is made of junk. As well as most of the cannons. They can be repaired, but it will take a long time. -

Ícaro: - Can you tell me an approximate? -

Wag Too: - I'm not an expert but... Maybe two years... Maybe more. -

Icarus: - Mmm. Anything else? -

Wag Too: - More serious than that... I don't think so. We've got bad circuits, broken panels, a stuck cargo hold door... But nothing that can't be fixed. -

Icarus: - Very good. - He turned on the communicator and a B1 unit was displayed. - Have you finished checking the cargo hold yet? -

B1: - Affirmative, Commander. - He answered in a holo-projector. - Most of it is stolen items, spices, and a lot of alcohol. Shall we throw it into space? -

Wag Too: - What!? -

Icarus: - No. Organize it and secure it. Let Miraj take care of that when we get to the Oasis. And the rest? -

B1: - Several boxes of ammunition and a few detonators. Used blasters. Most in poor condition. -

Icarus: - Very good. We will keep it all. Secure the load. -

B1: - Roger. Roger. - Ended the call.

Wag Too: - Ha. That's crazy. I wanted to throw everything away. -

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