Chap. 87 - Regretful.

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Stormtrooper 1: - Fire at will! -

Stormtrooper 2: - There are too many! -

Stormtrooper 3: - We must resist at all costs! -

Stormtrooper 4: - Where the hell is the commander! -

For the 182nd legion, this was a completely unknown situation. Never before had anyone resisted the Empire in this way. For six years they dedicated themselves to hunting insurgents throughout the galaxy under the command of Inquisitor Howlhell. But facing an armed force large enough and organized like this one that they had right in front of them was a plan of war that they were almost completely unaware of, except for some drills and academy studies.

No Imperial force was able to stop the rebel advance inside the Imperial destroyer. Two columns of insurgents spread through the endless corridors like a deadly parasite within its host. The speed of the enemy advance was inconceivable. Their strategies were precise and deadly. Every space was covered. Each cover was placed perfectly where they wanted it... As if they were able to adapt to the terrain just by looking at it... And maybe... It was no less true.

However, this was not a result of the rebels' skill. Nothing of that. Within each of the invading columns there were two thinking heads. Four beings that acted as the main node among the countless ranks of rebels. The four captains of the Gwori organic legion. Those who had direct command when Bly was not present. The four great warlords of the newborn rebellion.

Li Mu, Howser, Numa and Kranel earned that nickname among their followers. The hours that Icarus dedicated to instructing them in the art of war seemed absurd, especially to Numa, who was the youngest and most impulsive, but always ended up paying attention.

Howser and Numa were at the head of the group that would secure the engine room. Although Howser's word had greater weight due to having more years of experience, that did not mean that Numa's voice was as respected as his. Still, the young Twi'lek still had a lot to learn. But even Bly himself knew that she would be better than him one day.

His group advanced in two columns that knew no brakes among the countless enemies. Masters of guerrilla fighting and narrow passages, using light but maneuverable weapons, avoiding heavy cannons that could not be used properly in such narrow places. There was no gate or bastion capable of stopping them.

On the other hand, and with a fighting style quite different from the previous ones, Li Mu and Kranel were like two heads of a single body. Two minds that thought as one. The last two Gossan commandos still alive had experienced countless infiltration and sabotage missions together. They were masters of ambushes and the use of unconventional tactics, always having control over the terrain. Even been to the Imperial headquarters.

No system was capable of withstanding hacks by its technicians. The vents were a death trap for the Imperials. The doors closed in front of the stormtrooper's eyes, forcing them to take the path they wanted, leading them directly into a death trap of blaster and explosives.

Icarus understood it. It took work... But he understood it once and for all. Losing Boil was not only a blow to their morale, but also to their strategies. The martyr clone along with Bly were the two thinking heads of the organic battalion, and when one head was missing, the body weakened. I needed replacements. I needed fresh minds capable of making plans and creating strategies.

The organics were not droids that could be controlled by a single central computer or by himself. The organics needed a well-established chain of command. The clones demonstrated their efficiency in the war against them... It was time to learn from their former enemies and adapt. After all... Not even Icarus himself knew if his stay in this nascent rebellion would be eternal... In the worst case scenario... He had to prepare those who in the future... would become his replacements.

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