Chap. 24 - Farewell

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Mandalorian: - Are you listening to me? - He said with a defiant tone when he saw how the mysterious hooded man turned his back on him.

Icarus: - Oh. My apologies. It seems I'm still in a daze from everything that happened. -

Mandalorian: - That doesn't interest me. You will have to answer for all the damage you have done. -

Icarus: - You can keep all the belongings of those bastards. Also, I think this will be enough to make up for it. - He said as he threw a small bag of credits at him.

The Mandalorian took the bag mid-flight and checked it. Inside it was a generous amount of credits, more than necessary, in fact.

Mandalorian: - You have 24 hours to leave the planet. - He sentenced while keeping the bag in one of the compartments from his belt.

Icarus: - That's how it will be. -

The Mandalorian didn't say another word before turning on his jetpack and leaving the place the same way he arrived. Leaving Icarus somewhat worried, computing more questions than he had before. Who was this Ben and why did his core react to a Jedi? Why couldn't he sense the Jedi's presence now? How had he managed to disappear without his noticing? What was the important thing the Jedi mentioned that he should do? Lots of questions he couldn't answer but at the time, he had other priorities.

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Meanwhile, on the Kestrel Nova, little Tova was studying the common language on her datapad while the droids waited patiently. Tatooine's temperature was too extreme for the little Nelvaana, who was adapted to the low temperatures of her home planet.

Wag Too: - Hello. Hello. Can you hear me? - He was calling from his communicator to the command center of the Kestrel Nova.

Doom: - I receive you, commander. -

Wag Too: - We are outside with the supplies. Open the ramps. -

Doom: - Understood. -

With the ramp deployed, Wag Too and Alpha were able to access the interior while loaded several boxes of supplies. Inside, an impatient girl was waiting for them, curious for knowing what he had seen on his little "walk."

Wag Too: - That was crazy. - He said, collapsing on a chair in front of a ventilation shaft, trying to cool his body a bit while he hydrated.

The lurmen dropped his hood to the ground, soaked with sweat and sand. His body was very sweaty, and he had marks on his face from radiation.

Wag Too: - This planet is hell.  How can someone live here? -

Tova: - I want go out too. -

Wag Too: - Is this a joke? -

Doom: - I calculate that you would last ten minutes before giving you a heat stroke. Your species is not used to these temperatures. -

The girl could only pout in discontent, before some blows would listen from outside the ship. Wag Too reluctantly lifted him up, having to leave the conformity of the excluded of the air conditioning to see who it was. On the ramp of the ship was that woman, Peli Motto, with her droid pushing a cart with the parts that Icarus asked for.

Peli Motto: - Very well. Just how you asked. A generator and enough insulation. Like new. - Obviously, the last part was a lie.

The lurmen descended again into the burning sand of Tatooine and carefully inspected the pieces. They were somewhat worn but appeared to be in good shape. The woman began to speak of it was "difficult" to get those pieces, telling a story similar to the sagas of great adventures and challenges, a clear deception, knowing that she had her own contact with the Jawa and from there she got all these pieces. When a voice startled her behind her back.

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