Chap. 39 - Combat Beam

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Pirate 1: - Run! Run! -

Pirate 2: - They're using lock six. -

Pirate 3: - Take cover! -

Pirate 4: - They're coming! -

The screams of the pirates could be heard from a distance, as they moved crates and used the Kandosii's own designed corridors to take cover from imminent danger. Blasters pointed straight ahead, nerves through the roof, some even crying in fear, regretting the day they decided to opt for the immoral path they chose. A few oppressive seconds of silence filled the place when:

A loud explosion destroyed the security door to the Kandosii's corridor, leaving everyone inside to be mowed down by a powerful explosive discharge. Smoke rose in front of their noses. Thick black smoke that lodged in the throat and made it difficult to breathe. Their eyes, irritated by the heavy particles, could barely see the comrade next to them, when the first shot was heard from the enemy side.

Powerful red blasters tore through the corridor, slamming squarely into the chest of one of the pirates. Those who were around him could not help but hear his last cries before falling dead, while blindly firing at the supposed unknown enemy that was approaching through the corridors of the ship. And it wasn't until the smoke had descended and a good part of the pirates lay on the metal floor, that they realized what they were up against.

Paladin, one of the droidekas, led the assault. His strong shield deflected the pirates' blasters without much difficulty, while behind him marched at least a dozen B2 units. A first line to secure an access point in the huge ship. The B2 droids fired over the shield, taking down any pirates who dared stick their heads out to return fire. In a desperate attempt, one of the pirates threw a thermal detonator at the droideka's shield, but unaware of the shield's true nature, she could only watch in shock as the detonator bounced off the energy layer before being shot. on the chest. The detonator exploded dangerously close to Paladin, but his shield was able to hold without much difficulty.

Doom: - Commander. The advance guard managed to capture the anchorage bay. -

Icarus: - Very good. Have them hold their positions until reinforcements arrive. Send half the troops. -

Doom: - Roger. Roger. -

Then, through the corridor that connected both ships, thousands of B1 droids and some reserve B2 units began to enter inside the Kandosii. The corridors of the gigantic ship became a battlefield, where the pirates did everything possible to stop the advance of such an army, but the numerical superiority gradually diminished the ranks of the battleship crew. And after a few minutes.

Doom: - Commander, the enemy forces have been reduced considerably, but there are different resistance points in sectors 5 and 12. -

Icarus: - The cargo hold and the command post? -

Doom: - Affirmative, commander. -

Ícaro: - Do we have visual of the situation? -

Doom: - Negative. But they report considerable casualties in those sectors. -

Icarus: - Very good. He makes a perimeter in the corridors around the command post. Cover all corners and hold your position until I arrive. I will personally go to the cellar. Prepare the punitive force. Wait for me at the link. -

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