Chap. 35 -Not machine at all

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Two months before:

Tova: -Wag Too. Wag Too! - Shouted the little girl in the streets of the Oasis.

Wag Too: - Hey. What's all the fuss about? - He said turning around.

Apparently it was a casual day on the streets of Oasis. A few months had passed since his arrival, but by now everyone knew the super commando droids and his crew. The lurmen strolled through the streets of the haven, browsing the small craft stalls in the alley of small artisans and jewelers.

Tova: - I need to find Icarus. Do you know where it is? -

Wag Too: - The last time I saw him he told me he had to go out and investigate something. I don't know how long it takes. Something wrong? -

Tova: - No. I just wanted to tell you about something I did with Stela and the other children. Nothing interesting. -

Wag Too: - Hmm. That sounds interesting. Know? Icarus may not be found, but you can tell me if you want. -

Tova: - Seriously? -

Wag Too: - Sure. And if you want, come with me. I'm looking for something... "special." -

Tova: - Is it for Miss Miraj? -

Wag Too: - Shhhh. - He said embarrassed.

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The superdroid used to occasionally leave the Oasis and personally check out many areas of the planet. He used to go to supervise the mines or the progress of the repair of the Munificent. Sometimes I would walk through the huge air decontamination fields or take a look at the windmills. He was rarely seen dawdling, but on this day, it was somewhat...unusual.

Icarus was in the passenger seat of a speeder. Something had him distracted, something he couldn't know what it was, but for some reason, he seemed to know where to go. Alpha, the commando droid, was driving his speeder in a remote direction, to a place that was off all roads and maps in the area.

Despite having risen early in the morning, the bright midday sun announced the hottest hour on the surface, but Alpha did not know where he was going. He simply drove across the vast Gwori plains on the instructions of his commander. Until arriving at a peculiar and small forest in the remote regions of the south.

Icarus: - Wait for me here. - He said as he got off the speeder.

Alpha: - Commander. Are you sure? We don't know what might be there. - He said while looking at the forest with distrust.

Icarus: - Affirmative. This is something I have to find out on my own. -

The droid left the safety of the plains and entered the small forest, which although not very thick, getting lost could be ridiculously easy. Every step he took gave him a strange feeling. The deeper he went into the depths, the stronger that strange feeling became. It was as if... the trees wanted to tell him something.

Nelvaana, Mygeeto, Tatooine. All the planets he had been on were deserts of sand or ice, or had been ravaged by war, turning them into desolate wastelands. Where the little life that existed fought with all its might to survive. But this place... this place was different.

Despite knowing of its existence from the records and the stories told by the mouths of the elders, Icarus had never seen a tree with his own eyes, much less so many grouped in that peculiar forest. He wondered if it was a coincidence that the forests had that reaction to him, or maybe something was interfering with his processor. Either way, he couldn't determine what it was, because all he felt was that little tingle in his core every time he placed a hand on the scratchy bark of the trees.

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