The Sleepover.

18 0 15

  What Jack does not expect, when he wakes up with a hell of an ache in his neck, is a new email. He usually didn't get any. Other than grades, or important things like events or tests, he didn't get emails. So with his coffee cup in hand, Jack sat down, clicked the email, and put on his reading glasses. It's from... It's from Lincoln.

  Well then...


  I'm very sorry, really, but I may not be able to pick William up. I was aiming to do so, but something has come up and I won't be able to. Just let him stay overnight, if that works for you. He won't mind and neither will I. Hopefully, John Jr. won't mind either.

  Again, I'm very sorry!

  Best of luck,

  Abraham Lincoln.

  ...So that put a screw in Jack's plans. Originally he was going to get Lincoln to pick the kid up and then he'd start trying to find a job. His family, no matter how fucked up, had a lot of money. But he wouldn't live off of it. He wanted to have some independence, some sort of thing to keep him away from all of it. He wanted to actually work. But with the extra child he'd be watching over, that definitely wouldn't work. He can't try to find a job while making sure a kid doesn't kill himself.

  He sighs and takes a large drink from his coffee mug clicking out of the window.

  It's the way Caroline's voice shrieked from upstairs that nearly made him drop it.


  Jack instantly got up and sped to the stairs, leaning forwards, "How big is it honey?" he said, sipping again.

  "THAT DOESN'T MATTER JUST GET UP HERE!" she broke out into a loud scream. Jack grabbed a paper towel roll from the kitchen--after putting his coffee down of course--and trudged up the stairs like a soldier ready for battle. Obviously he didn't like spiders either. But if it wasn't big then fine, he'd kill it, but if it was a big one then he was calling someone. He was not dealing with that alone. Jackie would help... probably.

  "I'm coming, Caroline!"

  When Jack finally reached the top of the stairs, he turned into Caroline's room, and she had John Jr. behind her with Patrick in her arms. On the wall in front of them was a fairly decently sized spider, warm brown in its color, and still.

  Alright, so Jack wasn't scared but he was just... it was a spider, alright? He took one step forward in front of the kids, slowly pulling out his phone from his pocket and blindly dialing whoever appears third on the list. He never went first or second, only third. Third time is the charm. The spider's legs moved once, and he almost dialed back, but then the phone was answered and he put it up to his ear.

  "Jackie if I die you're in my will."

    "Jack, what do you mean, what are you even talking about." Jackie's calming voice came from the other side, and his shoulders slacked regardless of the fact he was about to die.

  "Spider. There's a spider, Jackie. I'm not built for this. Not to mention--" he cuts himself off, because not only do the kids not know, but Jackie shouldn't.

  Jackie sighed, "Just hit it, Jack. I'm not coming over because there's a spider." she said, but he knew that if he wanted her over, she would get her shoes on, get her bag and Spider-Shooting-Nerf-Gun and come over to deal with it. But he also didn't want to bother her, so he took one more step forward. He hesitated but hit it. It fell and he began to bash it into the floor. Each hit, and he was sure it may be dead, beat it into the ground.

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