Birthdays, Jackie, and Bobby.

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 Jack would be a liar if he said he liked today. It—well—okay, he didn't hate it. He just... didn't like it. It'd remind him of how old he was, how everything was changing. And of course, Jackie would travel all the way across town for it.

 Now, today was his birthday, and he never got 'excited' for it. He always just muttered out a 'happy birthday' to himself in the mirror and ate whatever sugar they had in the fridge or freezer. Sometimes he'd get a 'Happy birthday, Jack!' from Polk if the guy remembered, or a few other people around town. He'd ignore the text from anyone other than Bobby or Jackie. And of course, Bobby would call today. He usually didn't get time—too caught up in whatever his job required of him. But when Bobby did get time, he spent as long as he could on a call with Jack. Jack appreciated that part, and he appreciated Jackie coming over, but other than that he couldn't care for it.

 But, of course—the kids always remembered.

 "Papa! Papa! Open the door!" John's little voice called from behind the door, and Caroline was hyping Patrick up. The baby didn't necessarily understand birthdays yet, as he hadn't even had one, but if he saw his siblings get excited then maybe he'd be excited too.

 Jack rolled over in his bed and checked the time. 7 AM. Enough time to get dressed and take the kids to school, and he already knew that Jackie was waiting out in the living room. Whenever she brought them back for the week, she always made sure she saw him first before leaving. And Jack was mainly up. Mainly. Sometimes he'd have to be awoken by her pounding on the door with a Nerf gun.

 But, in spite of how tired he was and how much his back hurt, Jack smiled tiredly and got up. He put on a dark red button-up and some jeans, giving himself a once-over in the mirror. He wasn't dead yet, and that was enough. He made sure he took his pills. If he didn't, this would be one hell of a birthday.

 He opened the door and a small five-year-old came barreling in, hugging his legs like it was a lifeline. "Papa! Happy birthday, Papa!" the toddler shouted, almost jumping up and down. If Jack's legs didn't anchor him down, he was sure the kid would have been jumping. Jack smiled and put a hand on his son's head.

 "Thanks, Johnny."

 Caroline came in with all of the air of the elder sibling, Patrick held carefully in her arms. She couldn't hug her father, so she gave him a side nudge.

 "Happy birthday, Dad."

 Jack remembered that days like these, when his kids were up and happy and still there, were the only reason he still got up. Still pushed on and kept going, If he didn't... if... he didn't want to dwell on it, because it was too much for a time like this. Just woke up and kids surrounding him. Besides, Patrick's small gurgle of appreciation reminded him of the nice atmosphere too. He managed to pry John Jr. off of him and walk through the doorway and into the kitchen, the light already on, and there she was: Jackie, on the couch, purse slung across her shoulder with the prettiest smile he'd ever seen.

 "Happy birthday," she said, and then, cheekily adding as she hugged him, "Bunny."

 Jack got a laugh out of that. He told her it made no sense and yet she only winked when he asked for her to explain. He was hugging her tightly—a way to say I missed you. Even if it was only six days ago, he hugged her like this.

 "Thanks, Jackie."

 Jackie pulled away and got something from her purse. A small chocolate cupcake with sprinkles and frosting, one small lit candle nudged into the frosting.

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