White Carnations On Your Desk.

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 Abraham seemed fine the first three days. He hid it well. He hid what he was feeling well, and Jack knew it. He could sense a cover-up a mile away. A mask, perfectly crafted but in haste, forgot the last carve. Imperfectly perfect to a fault. Not good enough. So if he seemed... off after a bit, if he seemed preoccupied or consistently checking his phone, then that was what tipped him off.

 Jack hated it. He hated how worried Abraham was. How he was jittery and shaking and not himself. Truth be told it scared Jack. To see his crush so out of it and worried. He wanted to ask what was wrong. If he could help or if he could carry some of the worry. He'd take a goddamn boulder's worth of worry if it meant Abraham relaxed. But he never asked. He just watched, a million words wanting to spill out but reeling themselves in at the last minute.

 Constantly he wanted to text him as well. Are you okay? was so easy to type yet so hard to send. Each time he'd back out. Close the app or delete it. Only at night, only when Abraham couldn't see him typing. It was too embarrassing. Jack—hell, he found himself needing more coffee in the mornings since he got less sleep from worrying.

 His alarm went off loudly.

 He rolled over and shut it off with a grunt. The sharp pain he'd gotten used to shot up his spine mercilessly. As if it wanted him to remember it was meant to hurt, like, a lot. Not get numb. One of those days he'd have to invest in something else to help. The pain was bearable, but just barely. He got up, and it took him a second to stand, but he managed and grabbed his phone. He expected the normal good morning text from Abraham, but he saw nothing, and swallowed back the confused feeling in his stomach. Concerned and slightly hurt, but Jack couldn't expect anything from the man. Abraham owed him absolutely nothing. But to have it be there every day for so long and then see nothing where it would be felt worrying.

 But regardless he ignored it and took his pills, got dressed, and fixed his hair. He couldn't spend his days worrying. It'd be fine. Abraham was a strong man and if it came down to it, Jack would be there. But for now, he needed to focus on coffee, the kids, and work. George had been a pretty relaxed boss so far. He was usually gone and trying to keep his other workers from mauling each other though, but when he was able to help, he was laid back and made sure everything was going right.

 Jack hadn't had that many good bosses in his life—some downright pricks and some crooked—but George was a good change. He was also friends with Abraham and while that was entirely unimportant, it helped to know that someone else could potentially share his concern.

 Once he got situated and waved away any excess tiredness from his face, he left his room to go downstairs and see the kids. John was already at the kitchen counter with a Rubix Cube in hand looking concentrated, Caroline was drawing in her notebook, and Patrick was tapping his baby hands against the table to try and make up for any boredom.

 "Good morning you three." He said, kissing John on the head and patting Caroline's cheek, giving Patrick a kiss on the cheek and walking over to the coffee maker.

 "Papa, I got a question," John mumbled, biting his lip when he got another blue cube on the correct side.

 "And that is what, Johnny?" Jack asked, grabbing his bisexual mug and beginning to grab the right items to make the coffee perfect.

 John slid the cube onto the counter, letting Patrick grab at it. "Quentin was talkin' 'bout his sissy's birthday party coming up and, and I was wonderin', could I come to the birthday party? Willie will come too, so..." he trailed off. This was, in fact, the first time he'd ever asked Jack a question like that. Most of his friends were never house-visitation close and Jack just didn't trust the parents if he hadn't met them. But he'd met Theodore and so he could assume it would be fine. And besides, Jack couldn't say no to his son wanting to socialize.

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