Take Me Out To Dinner After.

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 By the time Monday rolled around, Jack wasn't as anxious as he thought he'd be. Normally in a situation like this he'd be constantly wondering if a night like that would be the end of things. But Abraham was A. too good of a person, and B. inevitably going to see Jack again. So ghosting him wouldn't be the best option (and Bobby read people well, so that helped calm some fear). In the end, he got up happier than usual, his alarm stopping and the sound of children tiredly scooting around the kitchen filling his ears instead. On Saturday he'd been told Caroline wouldn't have any school, a teacher accidentally screwed up, so he'd let both of his eldest children go to John's school for a change. While Caroline would be among the oldest, it'd still be fun for her, if he was right. (and he was.)

Jack ran a hand through his hair before he got off the bed, used to the pain, and grabbed his phone. Only one text left unread. Last night, he and Jackie spent a good portion of two hours sending too-funny-for-the-middle-of-the-night memes to each other, so he knew he didn't have to see anything from her. The text was from Abraham.


Good morning, :) <3

In an instant Jack was smiling. Today already started well. He didn't—well, he didn't fully expect a text. After a one-night stand with someone who you were friends with, you usually weren't so cordial. But it seemed Abraham was willing to be. He tapped out a reply, grabbing cologne while he was at it.


Good morning <3

Jack didn't need it but for extra measure, he sprayed a bit of cologne on. If he was going to be seeing Abraham he definitely would need it. Once he was ready he left the bedroom and went downstairs, the sight of a happy John greeting him, the boy playing with a figurine, and Caroline, tickling Patrick's stomach. The scent of brewing coffee filled the air.

"Good morning, you three."

Both John and Caroline perked up and looked his way, but Patrick cooed happily and smiled. His father knew that was a way of saying good morning. And when his boy had the ability to speak, he knew the chorus of 'good morning' would grow by one.

"Good morning Papa!" John said, momentarily distracted from the figurine.

Jack rounded the kitchen island to get to the coffee machine, grabbing his mug and creamer. "Are both of you ready for school today?" he sent a glance toward his children; John looked ready and so did Caroline. Their bags lay on the floor near the front door, Caroline's covered in tiny little kitten and bunny stickers she'd presumably gotten when she was with Jackie. It wasn't uncommon for the kids to come back with little items or accessories, expensive or inexpensive, and Jack would be lying if he said the kids didn't deserve it and more.

"Yep! I put a big shirt on," John pointed at the October-themed hoodie he had on. It was black with a big white ribcage on the front, a red heart underneath. Jack barely remembered buying it. It must've been a three-am decision. But the ribcage had a green tint to it and the heart seemed neon, as if they both glowed in the dark. Jack would have to test it.

"Good. It's going to be getting colder, but that's a good thing." Jack said, and mixed creamer and coffee into his mug, tapping the spoon on the edge of the mug just to hear the clink. It had still been too hot to drink.

"Why?" Caroline replied.

"Because," Jack felt a smile grow on his face, picking up the mug and turning to his children. "that means it's getting closer to Halloween time."

John broke out into a huge grin and his eyes gleamed. John knew that Halloween meant candy, and candy was amazing. It gave him a tummy ache if he ate too much of it, but it was still so good. "Halloween!"

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