I'm Not Letting Go. Not This Time.

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 Abraham didn't wake up feeling as empty.

 Instead, he rolled over with just a pit in his stomach, and opened up his phone to say good morning to Jack.


Good morning, Jack. :)

 He closed his contacts and shut his phone off. As much as he could use it, it didn't fascinate him like it did some. Or it did Robert, for that matter. He took a few minutes to think of just how... different. Everything was. He practically cut off love after Mary and cut off closer friendships than what felt comfortable. His job was partially working and the other spacing out and realizing he pressed a pen into paper for thirty minutes. He did however enjoy working with the children. It was always fun to see what they came up with in class or on the playground.

 The few times he had to call parents, the kids mainly behaved. Well—at least he thought. Because when he had to call in John Jr. and Willie after John punched a kid, he also had to bring in another kid as well once John began to tell his story, and called John's parent, he ended up meeting an amazing man.

 Jack was... something. He was handsome and charismatic and enigmatic, beautiful eyes and even more beautiful hair, but behind that was a nice guy who just wanted to get by and live. Who just wanted to have a good day. He definitely would commit manslaughter for his children and that was one of the first things Abraham noticed past everything else. Of course Abraham noticed Jack's face and his hair and his damn eyes, of course he did, how couldn't he, but when he got to know Jack... it all paled in comparison.

 Jack had a good sense of humor and integrity. That was attractive. Very. Through all of the lies and betrayal and hurt Abraham had gone through—the thought stirred up a hard feeling in his gut—it was refreshing to find a man who was honest. Who wouldn't use him, or lie to him. Keep him along on a thin string just to cut it when they reach their goal. That was something he was very tired of. But Jack, good old reliable Jack, always burst through that barrier around Abraham's heart and put the good in good.

 Abraham would've reflected on it more if he had time. But instead, he heard a firm knock on his door, and Robert's muffled voice saying, "Quit thinking about your boyfriend and get out here. Willie had a dream and wants to tell you about it."

 Scrambling, Abraham got out of bed and put on pants, a definite warmth spreading across his cheeks. "He is not my boyfriend, Robert!" he shouted. He fixed his hair and put on deodorant with a short glance in the mirror to see when he'd have to shave. Not soon but in about a week or so. With his appearance... presentable and his just-woke-up exhaustion gone Abraham opened the door and heard the loud voices of his son's downstairs.

 "When's Papa gon' come down?"

 "Soon, Will, don't even worry. In fact, I heard his door open." And Robert was definitely smirking.

 Willie cheered. Obviously, Rob had also gotten him out of bed and carried him downstairs.

 Their father paused at the top of the stairs. He didn't know why. But hearing them so happy and energetic, it relieved him to no end. His kids were happy. Even if Willie's leg was in less-than-all-right condition, even if Abraham wasn't always stable, even if everything goddamn collapsed on them, his kids being happy was all that mattered.

 So he went downstairs.

 Willie was full of energy and sitting at the table, wearing a red t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. He had a fidgeting bracelet on his right wrist. The boy hadn't grown out of the mess-with-everything phase yet, so he had to have a toy on him most times. It was well-used but held up (it was damn expensive, so he hoped so.).

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