Office Parties Blow.

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 Jack was never one to go to office parties. They weren't bad, necessarily. He didn't care as much for them as normal parties. At least at normal parties, you could have alcohol and (potentially) sneak in a bit of weed. The last one he went to, someone brought cocaine, so that turned him off from them even more. Jackie would throw one every year and it'd always be like a normal party, but they still had restrictions, even if she owned the entire damn company. She couldn't afford for her reputation to get slandered for 'reckless management of the company' for a little bit of hard alcohol.

 But the text from Abraham took him off guard.


 Heyy so, I'm super sorry to ask, like, super, but, we're throwing an office party and I'll look like a mega loner (not to mention loser) if I go alone. Most of my friends have partners (you'll meet them too!) and I don't want to be the lonely one who sits in the corner. So if it's not too much to ask, and if it is then tell me, could you come with me??? Just as a friend dw! If not that's okay too.

 It took him an embarrassingly long time to think of an answer. His first thought was an immediate yes, an immediate 'when's the party', but he didn't want to seem too eager. And he didn't want to say no, either. Saying no would just be a dick move, wouldn't it? Abraham specified he'd be going as a friend, so it wouldn't seem weird. It wouldn't be a mix-up. They look like a couple, but they aren't, even if Jack really wanted them to be. And even more embarrassingly, it made him smile. Wide. Like a school girl being told her crush wants to bring her to a big end-of-year party. So, he typed a short, not-too-eager response.


This is out of the blue but sure. Where's the party?

 The immediate response made him feel good.


 Unfortunately, like people who DON'T HAVE A BIG BUDGET, we had to clear out the gym. But it won't be some ham-cheese-sandwich-with-water-and-non-alcoholic-drinks affair, we'll have some wine and actual food. One of us—Sacagawea, the dear—knows how to cook and another teacher, Garfield, helped get the wines. I don't know how many of us will attend.


Sounds great. I'll come in a tie, is that fine? :)


Perfect!! Thank you so much Jack.


Hey, no problem. The kids will have a babysitter anyways.


Good. I got my kids a babysitter too- their mother wanted to but she's held up with work. See you at 9pm!! :D

 Jack could physically feel the burn on his cheeks. It was there, and it was persistent. He put his phone away and took a deep breath. Okay: an office party. This was entirely platonic and fun and not a date. Entirely not a date. He could do this. He'd gone to office parties before—how hard could this be? Admittedly then he wasn't neck-deep in a crush but, it's still the same premise. So he'd be fine. One-hundred-percent fine.

 At least, he hoped.

 He really fucking hoped.

 "Hey Ted, hey, listen I know this is really—and I mean really unexpected but can you watch the kids? Just for tonight. Oh my god thank you—uh, you can get here at 8:40. I'll leave at 8:45. Just until I come back—probably 11 or 12. O-Okay thanks. Bye."

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