Your Smile Is An Antidepressant.

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 It had been only three-ish days since Willie's terrifying fall, and Jack could barely calm John's nerves down. Every day he asked to go over and see Willie. As much as Jack wanted to himself, he had to say no. They'd wait until Monday. When Jackie came over to pick the kids up she was filled in on everything and was especially worried for Abraham. Seemingly, she sympathized with more than his son getting hurt. It was as if she knew something he didn't.

 "Just make sure he's eating and that he's sleeping, all right?" she had said, and when he nodded, they stared at each other for a minute before she hugged him and went out of the door.

 Finally, Jack managed to get the guts to text Abraham.


Hey. How's Will? if he's good we could come over.

 Abraham responded instantly.


He's... better than he was at first. But please come over. Willie will enjoy John's company and Eddie and Caroline were getting along. Patrick and Tad like each other already.


Got it. coming over soon.

 Below, he posted a dark humor meme, and got a laughing emoji in response. His self-satisfied grin appeared as soon as he saw the emoji. He put his phone into his pocket and watched John eat his trail mix while Caroline took a bite of her sandwich. They had enough time to eat while Jack had enough time to get his hair right and have coffee. He definitely needed it. Especially since even during his dreams, a voice nagged, He got hurt under your watch. and he decided to ignore it.

 Besides, as long as Abraham was doing good, and as long as they'd see each other, that was fine. It was all fine.

 "Y' ever think about why raisins are called raisins? Like, why aren't they called... dried grapes?" John mumbled, popping an almond into his mouth. Jack smiled.

 "That's not exactly as interesting as raisins."

 "Yeah, but what does 'Raisins' mean? Was it raised? Where was it raised?"

 "In the ground," Caroline answered, swallowing her sandwich and gently batting away Patrick's small fingers from her sandwich.

 "Why? They don't come from trees?"

 "Just eat your trail mix, John." Jack interfered before it could become an hour-long debate spanning the house to the car, the car to the house, and the house to bed. That'd happen when the subject of Legos and Lego houses was brought up. He spent six hours of his day listening to them debate whether it was illegal for Lego people to live in Lego houses, and what it must've looked like in their perspective to be surrounded by the same material their technical skin is made out of.

 John had another handful. "I'm right, Papa."

 "Sure, Johnny."


 They drove to Caroline's school and then John's, the little boy kicking his feet back and forth to get rid of some of his energy. By what he had told his father, he and Quentin were going to build a big sandcastle, and get Jack to take a photo to send to their principal. If Willie couldn't help build it, then he could see it and imagine helping. It was nice of them but when John elaborated it was their war castle in case they had to defend Princess Papa, Jack almost started sobbing out of embarrassment as the flush ran up his neck and to his cheeks. He forgot about that part of the day—the only thing he could recall was staring at Abraham.

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