First Day of Work.

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 Jack got up with a groan. He could already hear his alarm going off. Of course, it was his first day for his job. He liked dogs, and he liked animals in general, and so he didn't have a bad feeling. However, it was meeting new people that he wasn't all too excited about. Last time he had a job they gave him dirty looks when he accidentally exposed himself for being bisexual, and any older employer he's had has been exceptionally creepy. So no—he wasn't looking forward to it entirely, but he also wasn't going to hate it or gloom over it.

 He got out of bed and put on the best outfit he could, to look sophisticated, yet not overly formal. A black button-up, the tie that Abraham got him, black shorts and his boots that Jackie got him for Christmas once. When they were still together. He made sure his hair was looking fine and that he put on enough cologne and matching deodorant, along with a bit of perfume for the inside of his wrists (he likes the smell okay?) and his smile was extra shiny. He pulled out his phone and opened up Jackie's contact.

Jackinthebox: Jackie I wont lie im sort of nervous, you think ill do good?

 The reply was instant.

JackieButNotJackson: you'll do fiiineeee jack, besides, what's the worst that can happen? And you know im always able to give you a spot on the male model line. All you have to do is call my office, tell them your name, and they'll start asking you the forum questions. Immediate acceptance. Are you wearing the tie abe got you?

Jackinthebox: yeah, lol. Thanks for the help, Jackie.

JackieButNotJackson: np, jack. No problem. Healthy ex's stick together.

 Jack turned off his phone and put it back into his pocket. He straightened his tie, smiled again, and could feel the confidence glow in himself. He could do this, and nobody could stop him. He walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs, the kids already dressed. Politely, Caroline got herself and her siblings dressed, because she knew her Papa was going to do his big adult job and he needed all the help he could get. So she made sure Johnny brushed his hair and did not mess with his dinosaurs (no matter how cool the glow-in-the-dark one was), and that Patrick was put into his big baby clothes. He was getting older and Papa would have to throw him a birthday. "Hello, my dears," Jack said, ruffling Caroline's hair and grabbing coffee. 7:20 AM.

 "Hi, Papa." Caroline said. She'd already finished eating.

 "Papa, why do you look so fancy?" John Jr. asked, fidgeting with a cube in his hands.

 "I have work today, buddy. I have to look presentable." Jack replied—putting in one sugar cube for his coffee, and then another two. He'd need it.

 John Jr. smiled deviously. "For your boyfriend you mean?"

 Jack almost dropped the coffee, and he swallowed back the creamer he'd quickly slipped into his mouth when he was sure the kids wouldn't notice. He almost choked on it. "No, John, I don't have one." He said, but his cheeks said a different story. John Jr. and Caroline shared a look as Patrick played with his final apple slice.

 "Mr. Lincoln is really zone-y. Maybe he's thinkin' 'bout you, Papa." John Jr. added, watching his father's face turn even redder.

 "John, you know that's not true. He's probably thinking of work." Jack said because he wanted to believe that, but part of him knew John was right. Part of him just knew his son was right. That Abraham hadn't zoned out once during their coffee grab and yet, it would be so in-sync for a crush to make you zone out. And he'd caught himself zoning out thinking of Abraham a lot more than once. Him, and his smile, and his hair, and damn his amazing build, and his personality and laugh and eyes. So maybe Johnny was right. Maybe he was. But he couldn't let himself fall into delusions so quickly.

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