The (Partial) Day of A Principal.

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  Okay, so it was not a crush. It was not love. It was not. It was simply just mild interest in someone. Someone who was also the same sex and a single parent and the parent of a kid he guided the education of. And that someone's name was Jack, and he had beautiful, yet short reddish hair that Abraham would never admit almost made him smile. Pretty eyes that he didn't want to look away from. A dark sense of humor that, while it was fairly different from other people he'd met, he could get used to. Considerably used to.

 So maybe it was more than mild, and maybe it was intense interest. And they'd stay friends. He was fine with that—he really was. Abraham didn't want to ruin it. He really didn't. This was a good thing they had going, this was fresh, fresh from all of the hell that he'd gone through. He had friends but Jack was different. Almost uncomfortably.

 In the way that he'd find himself wondering what a relationship would be like with Jack.

 Would Jack be the first to wake up? Would he make breakfast, no matter if it was complicated or not? Abraham wouldn't care if it was or not. He'd learn how to cook if he needed. Would he rise far earlier or just a few minutes before? Would he like to cuddle on the couch in comfortable clothes and under a thick blanket, cups of warm cocoa on the table, simply enjoying one another's presence, and enjoy decorating the house for Christmas? They'd both go shopping, Abraham enjoyed it and he knew Jack was efficient in keeping kids in line if John Jr.'s rambles said anything. Would he drink a lot? No. No, Jack didn't seem like the type.

 But one thing he pondered on was would Jack care for the children? Jack was under no obligation to take care of Robert, or Tad, or Willie or Eddie. He never would be in the strange fantasy world Abraham made up. But would he care for them as he did his own children? Obviously, Jack was a very hands-on parent. John Jr. was a bright child who expressed himself freely, and from the little he'd heard from the boy, his elder sister was the same.

 But would Jack play with them and sing on their little karaoke nights, would Jack put the smallest ones to bed with him and read stories, would Jack help them with homework and getting dressed and personal problems? Of course, such a thing wasn't exactly holy or heroic, but it was more than he would ever be obligated to do. Abraham... as much as he tried, it was obvious that he couldn't do everything or be there all the time. He'd gotten full custody (not only was it the most stable as decided by the court but Mary specifically asked him to have it) but his job and paperwork always took him from it. And his side want to be a lawyer was growing more and more.

 Maybe Jack wouldn't want to take care of the kids. Maybe Jack would leave Abraham to do it. And that would hurt, it would, but it'd be sort of understandable wouldn't it? It'd hurt, but it'd make sense.

 More sense than Abraham's interest in Jack, anyway.

 He didn't seem to hear Ulysses calling his name repeatedly.

 "...raham? Abraham?" the man is shaking him gently by the shoulder, looking slightly concerned. "You still have papers and I'm not grading them for you, I did that digitally a month ago when you were out with your date."

 And that snapped Abraham out of his trance, jumping, and his body seemingly couldn't cool down. "It wasn't a date, Ulysses, I mean it. It was just coffee with a friend." He put the pen down on his desk and checked the clock. Barely 2 PM. He already wanted to go home, and hold Eddie in his arms to calm himself down from all of the stress he had.

 Ulysses, with a smile, definitely did not believe him. "Sure, sure. I totally believe you. Well," then he adjusted the stack of papers in his arms. "I have more papers and I have good news." He set the papers on top of the already large stack on his boss' desk, earning a groan from the older man, who closed his eyes until he realized and processed the second part.

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