Punching Someone On An Ice Cream Date Sure Is Fun!

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 Jack would've normally slept in this time, as Jackie had the kids, but due to John's summer camp, he needed to stay an extra day. The activity they had to do was mandatory (something about attendance being short) and went to four, meaning Jack had two hours more to kill. He'd have to drive to it—so maybe that also meant more coffee. The only thing he had to look forward to was any potential interaction with Abraham and see what the activity was going to look like. If it wasn't safe, he was going to probably stay the entire time.

 But first he needed to shut off his alarm.

 He rolled over with a groan---pills were definitely being taken right away—and shut it off, taking a minute to breathe. His back seemed insistent on hurting like a bitch today. That wasn't unusual, but it still hurt. He got off the bed and put on a comfortable hoodie. He never wore hoodies, but he felt ready to collapse so maybe he needed it.

 Jack took his pills and managed down the stairs. It felt weird to not currently be sleeping. John would be getting up at any point now, so he made his coffee quickly. He really needed to start pre-setting this. The brew wasn't exact but it wasn't the worst, so he took one good sip of it to ward him off for a longer time. He looked outside. Nothing but the bright sun peering in, and trees moving through the wind. It didn't look hot. But then again, it never looked how it felt. It could have been ninety outside and looked sixty. He could already feel the too-hot coffee burning in his stomach, and that was why he pulled out his phone to try and distract himself.

 Nothing but a text from Abraham.


Good morning. I'm aware of John's extra summer camp activity, so, maybe after you're done dropping him off, we can go for ice cream? It's not the hottest but I figured it'd be a nice experience. Only if you want to though!! If not, or you're busy, that's fine too. :)

 Jack felt his cheeks burn instantly. Getting ice cream together, huh? It wasn't romantic but it wasn't—no, no it was platonic, but Jack's brain decided to imply maybe Abraham was trying to be romantic. It's a nice thing to do with friends, just friends. They were friends. And he could say no, too, but why the hell would he? He could say he was just in it for the ice cream if he was asked why. That would work. Abraham was just a friend so he'd take that as an answer, right?


Oh no I'm able to!! I'll drop him off pretty soon when he wakes up and after that, if YOU aren't busy, I'll call and we can go out. Obviously you know it ends at 4 so we have time. :)

 He swallowed back the fears that gnawed at him like hungry, starving wolves, and put his phone back into his pocket.

 Suddenly he really needed more of that coffee.

 John woke up not too much later and Jack went upstairs to get him dressed. The boy didn't like the feeling of clothes on while he slept. Even if his clothes were either thousand-thread hand-stitched or basic fabric, it didn't feel comfortable, and Jack literally couldn't spend enough money to get him comfortable. Quite frankly speaking Jack didn't mind. It gave him a glimpse into the just-woke-up thoughts of a child so young. And his eyes looked even bigger when he was tired, so he got to see his son being extra adorable, too.

 "John, how're you feeling, bud?" he asked as he got the button-up on. They got a summer camp outfit sent just a week ago. When John saw it, he almost jumped his father's entire existence to get the wrapped outfit from his hands. It was only upsetting when he was told he couldn't wear it all-day. Getting the outfit dirty would cost Jack at least two hundred dollars to get another.

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