Love Is In The Air.

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 Sorry this took 4 months jfc. its 7am as i post this. anyways uh. sorry for the wait, sorry this is late for valentine's, and as a way to make up for it i made this chapter special. it's also 8.7k words. so.

okay enjoy! (sorry again!) 


The last Valentine's Day Jack spent drunkenly singing songs with Jackie, smiling, giggling, warm and fuzzy. That was a good night. As far as he can remember, really. But this time it was going to be different—because he had someone to spend it with romantically again, and because that 'someone' was Abraham, a man, and they both had children. Plus, his kids had grown too. Although it wouldn't present a problem, probably, if they could find out what to do. And he was sure they could. Besides, with Jack's smarts, and Abraham's pretty decent craftiness, they could find something to do.

Jack wasn't even sure what to do for it. He can get an expensive, materialistic gift, or he can make something himself, or do both and splurge and hope Abraham likes it. He's not a stranger to spending money in large amounts, how could he be? Kennedy's had money to flaunt, that was for damn sure. But at the same time Abraham might've been one who liked sentimentality more. If he did, Jack was going to have to find out how to do woodwork, or professional knitting, or something (or take Abraham on a romantic night across the shore of Cape Cod someday). The point was that Jack had to figure this shit out and quickly. He had time, definitely, but he also needed to get it right.

That was why he was currently sitting awake at 3 AM in his kitchen, laptop propped open and burning his eyes, and his glasses on with a cup of coffee beside him. His fourth today. He'd gone through twenty pages of cars, shoes, ties, and more. Needless to say it was either find something in the next five minutes or pass out. He clicked to the next page, scrolled a bit and blinked tiredly. Something had to pop up. No matter what. And if it didn't? Well, he was kind of fucked, but that would be fine. But it seemed luck was on his side. He scrolled, clicked, and.


It was pretty. A thin bracelet with small, oval-shaped amethyst, not a show-off type bracelet yet able to still glimmer and shine. It wasn't that expensive, just a little less than eight hundred dollars, which was honestly a pretty cheap cost. He'd seen less for more. The size would likely fit (if not he could find someone to fix it no doubt) and it'd come overnight if he ordered it that second. And without anymore hesitation Jack put it into his cart, went to the cart, and checked out. He made sure he typed it all correctly considering how tired he was and then anticlimactically, he had just spent almost a thousand dollars in five minutes. And honestly? Compared to the money his family had, a thousand dollars was pretty much change. Which sounded as snobbily-rich as one could get.

Jack finished the coffee, shut his laptop and went upstairs to his bedroom. Tomorrow was a Monday. The idea of being up until 3 AM would come back to bite him in the ass and he was sure of it. But at the same time, it was for Abraham, and anything for Abraham was worth it.

And if Abraham wasn't materialistic, wasn't one to wear jewelry? Well... he knew the man liked cats. And that would have to get him somewhere.


The morning came and Jack woke up to the sounds of the children happily singing downstairs. He let out a tired grunt and took a minute or two to wake up. Being up till three in the morning probably wasn't a good decision—although he had a feeling he would inevitably do it again. The memory of buying that bracelet comes back, and Jack doesn't regret it. It was worth it. For the price? A damn steal. Jack got up slowly, checking his phone for any messages, nothing but the classic and heart-warming good morning message from Abraham.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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