Bonding At A Park With Your Crush: 101

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  Jack was getting antsy at home. Sure, he had kids who had boundless energy, and he could get a babysitter (AKA: Ted because twenty dollars is twenty dollars) to watch them so he could go out, but he wanted to do something with the kids rather than without the kids. It'd been a while since they went somewhere together. He didn't have the time to go to a waterpark but something like watching a movie was too routine to be exciting. Thousands of movies existed, yet John only watched the superheroes and Caroline wanted to watch nature documentaries. Patrick... well. He only enjoyed watching the popcorn pop in the microwave. Or when his father burnt it and they ate marshmallows from the bag instead.

 So when Abraham texted him—nearly frantic—he couldn't resist putting the paperwork down (he was at work) and reading.


Ohm y god my omdog okay so like the kids want to go to a park and its nearby so like don't worry and Willie also wants to see John Jr. but also he says you were very energetic and 'sleepless' (he meant restless) so like do you want to come??? With?? Us??? If not that's okay! I just wanted to ask. I know what it's like to have energy and not be able to spend it, no matter how rare :)

 Jack studied the message over and over, thinking, when his mind had been made up as soon as he read it. Yes. Of course he did. To go someplace with the man he likes and please John? It would be a win-win. For both of them. And it'd solve his problem of wanting to do something exciting, too, something with the kids that they could enjoy freely. He could do something fancy. He had more than enough money in the bank account his father set up for him. But that was money he didn't want to use until the kids had to go off to college or university, and even then, he'd only use it for part of the tuition and use his own money for the rest.

 But then again, what if something went wrong? What if one of the kids got hurt, his or not? What if Willie fell or Caroline tripped or god forbid Patrick hit the ground? Abraham would hate him if his kids got hurt because Jack couldn't watch them as a responsible adult would. Should. Or if they ran into an unfriendly animal? Or got lost?

 And even as he worried, he typed.


Oh no we'd love to! Ill ask john and caroline, but they'll likely say yes, and you're right. Energy and not able to spend it. exactly. I have to work though, so when im done and pick up the kids, ill ask them on the drive home. And if it goes right we'll go home, get some water and snacks, and uh... we'll see, huh? :)


You are entirely right. We WILL see. Thanks, Jack :D


Anytime, Abraham, anytime :)

 He put his phone into his pocket and could feel the inevitable heat on his cheeks. He was going to see Abraham in person again. They could see each other and talk. Not in texts. He'd hear that wonderful voice and see those wonderful eyes, which would be the best part of it all. It wasn't fair that the man ended up in his dreams only a day or two ago. It wasn't fair he was Jack's constant thought. Because he knew only he was affected this way. Abraham didn't like him romantically. He never would. Sure, maybe he was single and definitely open-minded, but Jack was not being an experiment nor was he going to pressure his crush into a relationship. That'd just be cruel. On both ends.

 "Jack, how's the paperwork coming along?" came the voice of his boss from behind, and he swiveled in his chair, jumping, putting on a smile. Washington leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed, a kind look on his face.

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