Reflection = Pining-Related

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 "Jack, you've been ready for fifteen minutes!" Jackie said, giggling in mirth while she watched her boyfriend try to perfect a strand of hair.

 "I know I know, but, Jackie, it—it needs to be perfect just let me," Jack reached up and tried to swiftly turn it to the left but only ruined the part of his hair that took the longest. His jaw dropped and as clear as glass Jackie was laughing in the background. "damn it!" he tried to fix it but she walked up, a smile on her lips, and put a hand on his shoulder and gently put his hand away from his hair.

 "Honey, we need to go. Bobby has the kids and your hair—as important as it is—is not as important as being to this dinner on time," she said. She turned around and grabbed her purse. "besides, they have a fee for being late."

 At that, Jack pondered how long it'd take to fix his hair. And unfortunately the math worked out to them being ten minutes late. If he had to pay just because his hair messed with his sanity then he was going to crawl into a hole and die. He quickly ran a hand through his hair. It fixed part of it. As bad as it was, they didn't have time, and they both knew it, so he grabbed his keys while she applied one last bit of lipstick to make sure it was even, and they began to walk through the front door.

 "Del—uh, Delmonico's, that's where we chose right?" he asked while they went down the steps. Jackie smiled.

 "Jack, you chose where we go."

 "You're right. I'm sorry I'm all over the place, this exam has really made me tense." Jack apologized. He opened her car door, she slid in and he closed it to round the car himself and get in. Bitches-Love-Me-2000 was ready to go. He had been tense and zoned out lately—it wasn't as concerning as it was fondly exasperating. But Jackie understood. She would always call and check in on him, or bring over food for him to eat considering he usually forgot. Bobby would help him too. Maybe show him a funny thing in a book or a comic. Or show him cute animals, that always relapsed his energy into a relaxed state of mind.

 Jackie just shook her head. The engine turned on with a loud revving, the smell of smoke filling the air as the tires ground against the concrete. "You have nothing to apologize for. I get it. Let's just have a good night, okay?" she sent him a smile that made his heart flip on itself and nearly explode.

 He swallowed and laughed.

 "Yeah, okay."


 "No, I'm telling you, that guy wouldn't know a rock from a diamond," Jack repeated to Jackie's laughing. She held a bocce ball in one hand and her nose bridge in the other, almost shaking.

 "Y-You do know that he's the football team captain, right? And he's really buff?" she popped the cherry into her mouth, waiting until she swallowed it to continue, "if he heard you say that, he'd probably try to beat you up."

 Jack scoffed and sipped at his water. "Keyword try, Jackie,"

 They continued to eat until they finished, but didn't get up immediately. Jack would pay—he'd established that fairly quickly. But before they left he wanted to tell her something. "Jackie," he began, watching her face contort into one of confusion. "I just wanted to say thanks for uh..." he awkwardly reached for her hand. "...thanks for sticking around. You've really made me the happiest guy there's ever been. Each time we go out, or we just, talk, I feel like I'm with the best girl ever." It was too open. It was too serious, too sincere, and he wondered if this was too deep for a simple dinner. Besides, even if they talked about getting married, she could've been entertaining his thoughts. And if she wasn't all in then yeah, it would hurt, horribly, but he'd have to take it.

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