Things changed

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Everyone's been wondering: where is Sophia?
Those she live with her brothers or does she live in the jungle kingdom with Dk.

Well it all happened a year ago after defeating bowser, the two brothers were about to head home when princess peach approached them.

"You know you two are pretty hot fighters"

Mario and Luigi turned to each other, then they were flattered by peach complimenting them.

"Why thanks princess" Mario says

"Yeah it's what we do, runs in the family" Luigi says.

"And you know, we could use you guys like you at the kingdom"

"Huh?" Mario and Luigi turned to each other as they were confused then they looked back at princess peach.

"What are you saying princess"

"I'm saying, there is a universe out there and we could use guys like you to protect it, so coem to the mushroom kingdom not as plumbers but also as heroes"

But the brothers knew that if they go with her, they have to leave their home and family behind but not only that...they'll have to leave Sophia behind too.

They looked back at Sophia who looks sad but she gives them a smile.

"You...want us to come live in the mushroom Kingdom" Mario asked.

"Yeah, you guys proven yourselves worthy, I could use you at the kingdom"

"I guess if we go with you, we have to leave Sophia and our family behind" Mario and Luigi turn around where Sophia was standing behind them.

"I guess this means goodbye huh you guys" Sophia says.

"We don't wanna go Sophia, not without you, we're the super Mario siblings after all" Mario says.

"You have to go, you always wondered what you missed"

The moment was heartbreaking and she hugs them.

"I'm going to miss you guys so very much"

It was hard for the brothers to let go of Sophia then hugged her back.

"We're gonna miss you sis, keep our business alive" Mario says when they let go.

Then he gives her back her hibiscus flower hair-clip back but by his surprise.

She shook her head and pushes the flower back collapsing his hand.

"Keep it, so it can remind you guys of me"

"I'll miss you guys"

"We're gonna miss you too Sophia"

"We'll come and visit you guys" Luigi sniffs.

Sophia and the Mario bros do one last group hug while bursting into tears, mostly Luigi.

Then after that, they let go, she looks back as her parents take her back home, the super Mario bros follow princess peach toad and Dk back to the mushroom kingdom, all three siblings smiled and waved goodbye.

Which brings to the present: one year later, in Brooklyn, it was night time, and Sophia was in her room, Wearing her nightwear.

It was a red Loungewar Lace Cami Top Elastic Drawstring Shorts.

It was a red Loungewar Lace Cami Top Elastic Drawstring Shorts

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THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now