Meet king boo

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On bowser's castle, he had Sophia in his claws, he carried her over her shoulders and she tries to release from grip by wriggling and she used her fist to hit his back.

Then inside his castle, his army were rallied up then when they see their king was back, they were even more excited, they cheered for him.

"MY ARMY, I have returned" they cheered for him.

"I have brought back my bride"

As he walks up to his throne Koopas gathered around welcoming him back.

Then he was confronted by his best soldier: the blue shell general Koopa.

"My lord" he takes a knee, "It's good to have you back"

"My absence was only temporary but no I am ready to take over every kingdom...with a little help, is he here yet?"

"Not yet sire, we are still waiting"

"well let me know when he arrives, of speaking of which is kamek back?"

"Not yet sire"

Then bowser's face dropped in a panicked and he turns to him.

"Where the heck is he, I need him"

He then puts Sophia down near his throne, "ugh, let me go-huh?" She was shocked by him.

Then she noticed him smiling, looking at her nervously.

"Hey Sophia"

"Bowser" she groans, "not again" but her face showed fear then anger.

"'s good to see you again, I haven't see you since....the wedding, you look as beautiful as I remember"

he reaches out to cup her face but she pulls away then he brushes strains of her hair back then lifts up her chin with his claw.

Then suddenly Kamek teleported, he looks around and runs to bowser, taps on his shell.

"Sire, sire I have it, I got the ring" he pulls out the bloodstone ring.

Bowser turns around and takes the ring and whispered so Sophia wouldn't hear.

"Finally, it's about time, what took you so long"

"Sorry sire, I had trouble in the temple"

"I don't want hear any excuses"

He then turns back to Sophia holding up the bloodstone ring.

"I heard it was your birthday Sophia, so I thought I get you a present" she gasped softly at the ring.

Then bowser holds a bouquet of Piranha Plants.

Then bowser holds a bouquet of Piranha Plants

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"Sophia... Here we are...again" he chuckles nervously, "I always finds away"

love always finds away"

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THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now