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Then she hugged his neck, he was surprised then he grabs her shoulders pulling her back.

"Sophia? Do you love me?"

"Yes, of course I love you, I love you to the moon and back"

Then he smiled, "it worked, YES IT WORKED, Sophia, will you marry me" he gives her the bloodstone ring.

"YES, I will marry you" she was giddy in joy, only because she was under a love spell, she takes the ring and puts it on.

"Time for a wedding" bowser shouts and his army cheered.

"Let's get married tonight" Sophia shouts in joy.

"Yes let's, the sooner the better"

"Are we gonna have a big wedding" she asked.

"Yes we will, only the best for my love, it'll be the biggest wedding of the century, and this time, nothing will get in our way, get my bride ready and round up some guest, we must get everything ready for tonight"

"Oh yes sire" kamek says, then he claps and soldiers rush.

They leave Sophia's room as two Koopa soldiers fix her hair and put on makeup.

"Excellent job king boo, now I need another favor, I need something that will make me invincible"

"Whoa whoa whoa big guy, hold up, now what's in it for me, magic potions don't just come cheap you now"

Bowser turns to him, "I have two fresh souls to add to your collection" then king boo laughed.

"I think I might have something"

Then back in the jungle kingdom, the kings were getting ready for battle, Luigi had his kart made but he was looking around for the baby dinosaur that's when he came across Mario and peach.

"Hey Luigi" Mario calls him, he turns to see him holding a ice flower.

"Here, you might need this to help save Sophia"

"Oh...I-I don't know Mario, I'm not sure" but Luigi hesitated.

"Come on luigi give it a try" Mario tries to encourage him.

"I'm not sure-"

"If your brother can handle the power up, so can you" peach says.

"Do it for Sophia" Mario says, so luigi takes the ice flower, he touched it and his outfit changes to blue and white.

Mario nodded and he holds a leaf power up, he touches it and he changed to the tooki costume.

"Come on, let's go save your sister" peach says.

They meet up with Dk who had his old kart back, Luigi noticed he had a picture of Sophia and a fire flower.

"Why do you have a picture of Sophia?" Luigi asked and he gets a suspicious glance form princess peach and Mario.

"Uhh...I found it" he smiles nervously and lied.

So they believed it, "come on to the dark lands for a rescue mission" princess peach shouts then they take off.

"Hang on Sophia, we're coming" Mario says.

Then back with bowser, he was in his white tuxedo when king boo showed him something.

They were looking at the super bell:

They were looking at the super bell:

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THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now