Love spell

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They sat down in a table, a Koopa opens up some wine and pours the two a glass.

"So what Can i do you for?" King boo asked.

"You remember my bride Sophia right" he shows him a picture frame of her.

"Ah yes, the human girl, all thought I do must say bowser, when I knew you had a type, I didn't expect you would...well, had a type"

Bowser the picks up the picture and smiles warmly at Sophia then he sighs.

"If you were in love you would understand"

"I just don't understand what you see in this girl, there's a universe full of other queens out there, why her though?"

"Her wild spirit, as you recalled my last wedding was interrupted by her brothers Mario and Luigi"

He glared to the left at a picture of Mario and Luigi.

"And so you see i proposed to her" he shows king boo the bloodstone ring, "but she's-needs a little persuasion"

"She rejected him" kamek says.

Bowser turns to him and he snorts angrily at him, kamek crouched down and hides.

"Point is I love her but she doesn't feel the same, I need a potion that will make her love me"

Then king boo gasped, "you want to put a love spell on her so she'll be forced to love you, that is devious"

He started to laugh, "I LOVE IT, you came to the right guy"

He creates a portal and they see shelfs filled Wiley lots of potions, king boo levitates to the highest shelf.

"Let's I know it was around here somewhere, it is"

He takes out a a heart shaped potion: "love potion #385"

He takes out a a heart shaped potion: "love potion #385"

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He hands bowser the potion, he was amazed by it.

"Amazing, are you sure this will work"

King boo's face dropped in shocked, "am I su-of course I'm sure, have I ever been wrong to you bowser"

Bowser and kamek share a glance at each tiger then look back at king boo.


"It has been told that your methods....can be extreme and you are demented" Karmek says.

"Trust me It'll work, one drop of this and she'll immediately fall in love with the first person she sees"

"Oh good" bowser picks up the potion.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now