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"What?" The three gasped in terror.

"Bowser escaped!" Sophia shouts.

"How did he escape"

"What are we gonna do, Sophia here's, he'll try to take her" Luigi panicked as he keep Sophia closed.

"Alright relax Luigi, he's a small turtle he can't be that that hard to find, but just to be on the safe side, Sophia stay close by us ok"

Then princess peach looked nervous about something.

"There is something you should know"

Then suddenly they heard noises, they ran downstairs to see the toads were trying to fight off bowser who was now big again, it shocked them.

"How did he get do big again?" Mario asked.

"He must've found the mega mushroom in my room"


The guards try to handle bowser but he swat them with his tail, Mario could see Sophia was worried.

"Don't worry I'm on it" he jumped down.

"Mario no!" Luigi and Sophia shouted.

But he ran then he jumped while bowser was distracted, Mario puts his hands together and knocks him out.

"Ugh" he collapsed and the guards gathered around him, he looked up and growled.

But then he looks up to see Sophia, he smiled at gets an idea, he gets up when princess peach approached him.

"Take him to the dungeon"

"Yes princess"

A yellow and blue toad take bowser, he needed to get close to Sophia so he can grab her, but he needed to be convincing enough.

"Ah" he groans in pain, it got everyone to turn to him, he grabbed his heart then collapsed on the floor, he pretended to stop breathing.

Curious, the yellow guard toad checked him, "he's not breathing princess, I think he's had a heart attack"


Soon everyone muttered, Sophia was terrified but something came to her, she knew what to do, so she gives the baby dinosaurs to Luigi.

"Here hold this" She rushes over to bowser, she turns him around.

"Sophia, what are you doing?" Peach asked.

"It's ok Im a doctor, i Can revive him"

"Are you Sure that a good idea"

Luigi was unsure about Sophia being close to bowser.

"Sophia, I don't think that's a good idea" Luigi says

But Mario assured princess peach everything would be fine.

"Don't worry, our sister is a great doctor, she knows what she's doing"

First Sophia checks his neck for a pulse, then she tries to listen to heart, pressing her ear against his chest, then she perform Chest Compressions.

She put one of her hands over the other and place them in the middle of the his chest, she Keep pushing on the his chest.

But have that didn't work, "ugh" she was forced to give him mouth to mouth.

She was terrified, giving him mouth to mouth, she didn't know if he would grab her, she flinched at first and the Mario bros were already not liking it.

So she Pinch the his nose closed, tilt his head up, pressed her lips against his blowing a breath into him.

But then suddenly, bowser's eye opened, he grabbed Sophia.

"Ah" then he keeps her close, her lips against his, then he kissed her deep and passionately.

The brothers were shocked and Sophia tries to push him away, she pound her fist against his chest, then they finally pull away.

"Hello Sophia" bowser smiled.

"SOPHIA!" Mario and Luigi panicked, they ran to save her.

But bowser smacked them across the room, "ugh"

"Mario, Luigi" Sophia was horrified.

Then bowser takes Sophia to the window, he bashed it where his floating was rebuilt.

But before he could escape, he looks back at the Mario bros.

"So long Mario, I'll be taking my bride , we got a wedding to plan and you'er not invited, so long" he jumps on his castle and they head to the shattered window and saw bowser getting away with Sophia.

"Sophia!" Mario called her.

"Sophia!" Luigi repeated him.

"MARIO!" Sophia calls for him.

"Mama" the baby dinosaur cried for Sophia.

"No, ugh I can't believe he kidnap her again" Mario groaned, he was angry at himself for letting it happen.

Luigi tries to comfort him, "don't worry Mario, we'll get her back" he looks up at his brother and helps him up.

Then the baby started to cry, "mama"

Luigi cradled him, "don't worry, we're gonna save her"

"Come on Luigi, we're gonna need some help"

Meanwhile with kamek, he arrived at the desert land, he was staring up one of the pyramids, he was looking at the map.

"Here it is"

He tries to find a way inside, then as he leaned against the front, he listens then a secret door open.

He looks up, then he walked inside the dark pyramid.

He looks around then he gets chased by cactus-like creatures called a pokey.

"Ah" he ran then he jumped over a gap as he nearly called.

He fell then he looks up to see a pedestal and on it was a red ring.

He fell then he looks up to see a pedestal and on it was a red ring

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"The bloodstone ring" kamek was relieved to see it.

He carefully checks his surroundings then he grabs the ring.

But what he didn't know was the At he woke up the security guard.

He heard the pedestal sinking and behind him was a large stone creatures also known as Thwomps.

"AH!" Kamek immediately ran out of the pyramids as the Thwomp chased him, but he got out just in time.

He looks at the pyramid then back to the bloodstone ring.

"Got it"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now