Some things are worth the Risk

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"Wait wait, do mom and dad know about this" Mario was still puzzled.

Then she makes a sad frown, "no, and I'm afraid they won't accept him" then she started to cry, "and with the baby, oh Mario I'm scared to tell them about the baby Mario and I don't know what to do"

Then Mario's anger went away, he saw how scared and worried Sophia was, he hugged her for comfort.

"Don't worry Sophia, we'll think of something"

"I can't believe we're going to be uncles" Luigi says.

But Sophia frowns, "Mario I can't keep this baby, I don't want to have this baby"


"If this baby is bowser's and he gets his hands on it, the baby could be worse then him, I just can't keep the baby"

"Well don't you worry little sis, we'll get through this"

Then Mario looks up at Dk who was smiling at Sophia.

He was still crossed at him, for dating his sister behind his back and getting her pregnant.

"What is it that you see in him"

"Well, I like him, he's the only one who treats me like a equal, he makes me laugh and he keeps me safe"

Mario didn't like the idea of  Sophia being with Dk, but with a baby along the way, he could see how Sophia trusted him.

"And he's a better improvement then spike"

"Yeah now you mentioned it, at least he's much better then spike"

"Well even though me and Dk don't get along, I rather you be with him then spike and if he really does make you happy that's enough for me" the three siblings hugged.

Then cranky kong walks over to Sophia, "come my dear, let me get a good look at you"

He lifts her chin up as he examines her, "ah, I see my son chose right, for once" he chuckles then he turns to Dk who looks embarrassed.

"Oh son, She's beautiful, perfect"

Then he lets go, "it's such a honor to meet you your majesty"

"Oh but the honor is all mines my dear" he cups her hand and rubs it.

"So you are the one i must think for my son's behavior, it's thanks to you my son has been changing for the better and now I see why, thank you for changing my son"

"Thank you for your son"

He nodded then Dk stands next to Sophia, "I can't believe that's your dad" she repeated what he told her.

"I knew you would meet him one day"

But then Mario approach them, he crossed his arms, he was looking steamed.

Which annoyed Dk, "ok I know what you're gonna say"

"So you bed. Dating my sister"


"And just what exactly you see in our sister"he eyed him.

Then Dk turns to Sophia, "She's different and I like that in a girl, she has a wild spirit and she's seems to understand me"

They look back at Mario, waiting for his answer.

"Alright. Just care very good of our sister...or else"

"I swear I won't let anything bad happen to her"

Mario smiled, Then suddenly Sophia felt a pain in her stomach.

"Ah" she was in agony pain when she fell on the floor as she grabs her stomach.

"Sophia?" Mario was worried as the three he Luigi and Dk gathered around her helping her up then peach realized something.

"Uh no"

"Whats wrong?" Mario asked.

"I think my water just broke" Sophia says.

"What?" The two brothers shouted.

"The baby's coming" peach says.


"How is that possible?" Mario was even more confused.

"Well if donkey Kong is Sophia true love then he must've speed up the pregnancy-"

"Wait what do you mean by speed up the pregnancy?" Mario asked.

"The love potion is very powerful stuff, it could speed up the pregnancy but it could only work by true loves kiss and since donkey Kong kissed Sophia and started the pregnancy, there is a chance that the baby might be his"

"What" everyone gasped.

"And if bowser knows about Sophia's pregnancy" cranky kong says.

"Then he'll be coming over here to get her" Mario says.

"Then we have no time to time to waste" peach says.

But then Sophia gets up, holding her stomach, "I know what to do, I need to turn myself in to bowser so he won't hurt anyone"

She tries to walk out but everyone gathered around and stops her.


"No" They all shouted.

"I have to go" Sophia says.

"No way Sophia" Mario says.

"If I don't go bowser will destroy the mushroom kingdom" Sophia says.

"Don't worry we'll find a way, we need to hide Sophia, keep her somewhere safe" peach says.

"We can take her to the jungle kingdom where she can be safe" cranky kong says.

"What?! No" Sophia pulls away.

"It's the only way" peach says.

"No! I won't put both if your kingdoms in danger because of me, I have to give myself to bowser"

"No way, we just got you back from that-monstrosity"

"If I don't go, we'll all be in danger, I'm not going to let bowser hurt anyone because of me, I have to go"

But before she could walk out, dk grabs her arm pulling her towards him.

"I'm not gonna lose you again"

She groans, "but what about your kingdom, what about your people I don't want to put any of you at risk"

"We can't handle it" dk assures her.

"Do we really need to do this, risk everything for me and a baby"

Dk grabs her shoulders and looked concerned, "before i met you I didn't had reason to fight, I had nothing worth risking, but now I have something to fight for"

"Do we really need to take that risk"

"Somethings are risking" then he placed his hand on her stomach and rubs her belly to feel the baby.

Sophia sighs then she gave in, "alright fine but you need to evacuate everyone from your kingdom, if bowser comes here I don't want him to hurt your people" she tells peach and cranky kong"

"We're already on it my dear, we have a army" cranky kong says.

"We'll do everything we can to stop" Mario says.

"I'll do everything I can to hold him off" peach says.

"We should get moving now, bowser is probably on his way right now" Mario says.

Then cranky kong grabs her arm, "come with me my dear"

She cranky king and Dk head outside to the Karts, then Mario grabs toad.

"Toad i need you to go with Sophia, keep an eye on her and look after her, can you do that"

"Don't worry I won't let you guys down"

"Good because we're gonna need all the help that we need, for the biggest fight of our lives"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now