Crashing the wedding

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He stands on his kart, then he jumps and throws a fireball at some koopas, they exploded and flew in the air.

Then goombas charged when the kong army arrived they fought off the army giving Mario and Luigi cover.

Luigig jumps on some goombas and Mario flew, peach fights some goombas with a battle axe, then a hammer bro was about to hit her when Dk throws a fireball at him, knocking him out, Luigi throws some ice ball at a giant piranha plant that was about to eat Dk.

He looks back then he nodded then he fire the piranha plant with a fireballs, Mario grabs Luigi and they flew up the castle.

They came crashing through the window, Sophia was looking at herself in the mirror, but she gasped and panicked as she backed away from the shattered window.

"Ugh" Mario and Luigi groans then they get up, they smiled when they saw Sophia.

"Sophia" Luigi smiled.

"Oh sis, we're so glad to see you, look we need to get out of here"

But it wasn't the reunion they were expecting, Sophia got angry then she grabs a battle axe and starts to swing it at her brothers, trying to hurt them.

"AH!" They duck dodged and split apart.

"Sophia snap out of it, it's us Mario and Luigi" Luigi says.

"Ugh, you're ruining my wedding"

"Wedding?" Mario was shocked, "Sophie we're here to save you"

"No you're ruining my wedding"

"Sophia it's us" Luigi says but Mario grabs his shoulders.

"Forget it Luigi, she's traumatized"

But just then Dk came crashing through with a giant fireball.

"AH!" He knocked all them down, but he knocked Sophia out, she hit the wall and fell unconscious, the Mario bros lost their power ups, Dk kept his.

"Whats the hold up you two"

They see Sophia on the ground, they gathered around her.

"There's something wrong with Sophia" Mario says.

"Yeah she's acting different, it's not like her" Luigi says.

"Ok we need to go now" Dk scoops Sophia up in his arms.

"We'll deal with this when we get back to the mushroom kingdom"

"Good idea, princess peach will help us" Mario says.

They jumped out the tower, Mario waved at peach, she smiles when she saw that they got Sophia.

"They got her let's go" so they all flee to their karts.

Dk looks down at Sophia, he smiles softly then he kisses her forehead.

Then he puts her in gently in his kart then bowser saw them escaping on the rainbow road, with Sophia.

The general blue shell Koopa flew down to him, "sir they escaped, with the queen"

Bowser snorted angrily then king boo came out of hiding.

He bad bowser liked around the crashed wedding, princess then kamek appeared.

"Your orders sire"

"Just out of curiosity" king boo spoke, "how much of the potion did she drink?" He asked.

"All of it" kamek says.

Then king boo looks surprised and shocked, "WAIT! All of it?"


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