Bowser escape

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Bowser sighs then he looks at the picture of Sophia and next to the picture was her hibiscus flower.

"Oh Sophia, I can't stop thinking about you" he talks to the picture.

"Just us being Apart from each other is making me go insane, I just imagine holding you again in my arms, but I'm stuck here" he grips on the bars of the cage and looks up at the moon.

"Cage in this cage, kept apart form you, the only thing that's getting between us is your brothers"

He then grabs her hibiscus flower clip, "the only thing that keeps me thinking about you is your picture and you flower hairclip"

But suddenly....he gets an idea, "wait a minute" he turns the flower around and realized that the back of flower had bobby pin.

He knew that he was going to get out, thanks to the help with the super Mario bros, even Sophia.

"Clever girl" he smiled and chuckled sinisterly.

"Looks like we'll be seeing each other very soon" he stroked the picture of Sophia but against her cheek, then used the booby pin to picklock the lock.

Then in his delight, he heard a click and the small cage door unlocked, he smiled and opened the door, he was so excited he jumps out.

"I'm free, I'm free, I'M FINALLY FREE" he laughed wickedly out loud but to his small size, it sounded like a chipmunk laughing.

Then he bashed the glass window to the balcony then he looks back up to his cage.

"Don't worry Sophia, we'll be reunited once again, but first....we need to get rid of your brothers, they're the only things getting between us, and just know how to destroy them once and for all...but first I need to get big again and I know right person who can help us" he jumps down.

It was night time, and all the toads head inside their homes, saying goodnight to each other then night turned mourning dawn as Sophia came form the pipes, she arrived at the mushroom kingdom with the strange egg, she walked through the mushroom forest when she was greeted by a familiar face.

"HEY SOPHIA" it was toad.

"AH!" She hit startled by him but was relieved.

"Oh toad, it's just you, hi" they both walked together.

"What brings you here" he then lets out a huge gasped.

"Are you going to move to the mushroom kingdom, if so that is amazing, finally three of the siblings living together"

"Oh no, sorry, no toad I'm not moving" she bends down and opens up her satchel.

"I came because I found this back at home, I was hoping it belonged to you guys"

Once she pulled out the egg, toad gasped in delight, his eyes gleamed with joy and pressed his face against the egg and rubbed it.

"I know exactly what it is"

"Oh good, I was hoping you could take me to princess peach, maybe she could help"

He lets go of the egg and Sophia puts the egg back in her satchel.

"Sure no problem, anything for the Mario and Luigi's sister, let's go, I'll take you to the princess and she'll know what to do"

Meanwhile bowser heads out, he was moving out of the kingdom, he heads to the mushroom forest just as they exit.

He pushes through the mushrooms, looking for someone.

"Where the heck is he?" He muttered.

It was there he meets a familiar face, kamek who wore a ragged cloak and was collecting small mushrooms in a moving cart wheelbarrow.

"There he is" he walks up to him but was very difficult to get his attention since he was small.

"kamek! KAMEK! HEY! Over here" he called for the sorcerer.

Kamek hear someone calling him, he thought it was danger.

"Huh, Please do not harm me" he turns around, "I am just a humble farmer.

"Kamek over here, down here, kamek" bowser continues to call him.

Then when Marlén turned he saw there was no one, but then he looked down and saw bowser.

"Sure?" He bends down to him, "is that really you?"

"Of course it's me"

"Oh sire, we all thought you were dead"

"No, I just been locked up for days, isolated"

"Well it's good to see that you are alive Sure"

"Kamek, i need to reunite with my army, where are they?"

"In the dark lands sure, ever since your absence, they waited"

"Well It's time to rebuilt my army, It's Sophia's birthday and I wish to see her again, it's time to reunite with my bride again...and this time, not even the super Mario brothers, Mario and Luigi is gonna stand in my way, ready my army kamek"

"Yes sire, we will wait at your command"

"There is one problem though"

"What's that sire"

"I am small"

"So i see"

"There is a power up that can make me big again"

"Oh that is wonderful news sire"

"But the only problem is" they both turned and looked up at the castle, "it's in the mushroom castle, in princess peach's room, but this shouldn't be a problem for me since I'm small, I'll slip right in"

"No offense sure but to them, look like a tiny turtle"

Bowser stares at him with a deadpanned look, "bah, I got nothing to worry about, but kamek I need you to do something for me"

"Yes sire, what is it"

"It's Sophia's birthday and I want to give her a very special present, go to the desert lands and bring back....the bloodstone ring"

Kamek gasped and judging by it. The ring must be legendary.

"But sire, those who seek out the ring....they never come back alive"

"I don't care what it will cost, bring me the ring, now matter what it takes" bowser demanded.

"Yes sire"

"Oh kamek one more thing, I know how to defeat the super Mario brothers once and for all, I need you to call....him" that last part struck fear in kamek.

"Ah" kamek gasped, "him sire?"

"Yes him"

"But sire, he's demented and vicious and above all, out of his mind"

"I don't care, he is the key to destroying the Mario brothers and the mushroom kingdom, I don't care how crazy he is, JUST MAKE THE CALL"

"Yes sire, right away"

After kamek left, bowser turns to the castle.

"It's time to reunite with my bride again...and this time...nothing is gonna stop me"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now