Final battle

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So princess peach had her toads to evacuate the kingdom, dk helps Sophia in his kart and toad jumps in the back and they take off.

Then Mario and Luigi ran fair into the mushroom kingdom.

"Luigi, where are going" Mario asked.

"Sophia's baby dinosaurs went missing, we need to find it"


"Because it's Sophia's baby and it matters to her"

"Gee luigi I'm not sure about, I don't how we are gonna-AH"

But then suddenly something got underneath them and they were now flying high in the sky.

"AH!" Luigi scrams, "MARIO! WHAT'S HAPPENING?"


But he looks down to see they were riding a pink and yellow dinosaur.


Then back with Sophia and Dk, she sees the road up ahead leads to a ramp.

"Uh Dk" she pulled in his arm and looked terrified, "the road...up ahead"

"I know"

He just nodded then stepped on the gas, which only made her worry even more.

"Dk, there's no road up ahead" she started to panicked.

Then cranky kong speeds up closer to them, "you better hang on tight"

"AH!" She screams and holds on to Dk's army But as he drove off and soars through the clouds, she look and saw that they were landing on the Rainbow Road.

"Wow" it amazed her, dk smiled.

"You never been on the rainbow road have you?" He asked.

"No i never exploded any more of this world, I only been to the mushroom kingdom and the dark lands, I never seen anything as amazing like this"

"That's nothing" cranky king interrupted, "wait till you see the jungle kingdom"

"You're gonna love it" dk whispered.

Then toad touches her shoulders, "Don't worry, your brothers were surprised too"

Then with peach the toads gathered around her.

"Bowser is coming, you need to evacuate the kingdom, I'll Buy you some time"

"But what about you princess" one of the counsel asked.

"I'll be fine, I don't think he'll hurt me, you need to go. Now"

"You heard her, evacuate the city"

Then when toads panicked and flee the kingdom.

Meanwhile with the Mario bros, they being taken away by dinosaurs, have no idea to where they were headed.

But then they came to a stop, dizzy from the ride they fell on the ground.

"Ugh" Mario groans.

"But once they get up, Luigi looks around, his face dropped.

"Mario, look" he taps his shoulders.

"What" but once he looks up.

He gasped to see they were in a jungle surrounded by dinosaurs, they gathered around, curious by the super Mario brothers, the guys smiled a waved.

"What do you think they want" Luigi asked as he was mostly worried.

"I don't know lou"

But suddenly when the multi color dinosaurs stared at them, the baby dinosaur pushed through then he rushes over to Luigi.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now