Luigi and bowser

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The next morning IN the mushroom kingdom, everyone was still pretty tired from bowser's singing, heck he was still at it.

Luigi was pretty tired, he tried to sleep it off, he was sitting at the table, drinking some coffee to wake him, he yawned bad his eyes were a little baggy.

But was he took a sip of coffee, he placed his mug down next to a picture of the Super Mario bros with Sophia, he sees her smiling it had him sad, he then picks up the picture then he gets a flashback to their early years.

Luigi and Mario were young and started their first job working for spike's construction company.

Luigig started his first job at their first house, he was about to nail something in, spiel passed by and when he saw Luigi holding the hammer, he decided to tease him.

There was one reason why super Mario bros quit spike's company.

Spike was always picking on them, especially luigig.

They had brought Sophia with them because they had to watch her.

"I isn't know Luigi"

"Huh?" Luigi turns to spike.

"You sure a guy like you knows how to handle a hammer, hahaha" spike laughed at him, which made Luigi upset.

"Aw" he whined.

But then spike roughly slapped his back, hurting his arm.

"Ah!" Luigi grunts, that powerful slapped caused him to drop his hammer and spike spilled his coffee as he laughed.

"I'm just kidding, serious, don't overwork yourself" spike snapped his finger at him.

Then Luigi fakes a smile and rubbed his sore arm.

But then he sits on the ladder as he was grieving over himself, he felt hurt that spike reminds him that he's weak.

Sophia and Mario saw, she was Just a little girl with pigtails in overall shorts, Mario was angry with spike for messing with his brother.

"Alright, what did he say this time"

Luigi looks up to see Sophia and Mario, he immediately looks cherry.

"Oh-uh! Nothing, don't worry about it"

He gets up holding the hammer, "well....better get back to it" he fakes a smile.

But when he attempts to hammer again, spike's words ram through his head again, and he became discouraged.

"Uh-" he got scared and was embarrassed to look weak in front of his little sister.

"Could you help me with this"

Mario smiled warmly and Pat his back, "sure thing bro" Mario takes the hammer and starts nailing, but Luigi sits down, feeling hurt.

"I'm sorry Mario"

"It's ok luigi, you'll get it right again, and don't listen to what spike says, he's wrong"

"No he's not"


"How can i be brave when I'm such a coward, look at me, I'm a preteen and yet I'm still afraid  of everything, I'm a joke, I can't even be brave enough for Sophia"

"Now don't say that bro"

"But it's true Mario"

"Well Sophia doesn't think that"


"Yeah, She's loves you as you are And nothing Can change that"

"Really, well tell me this, how can I be a big brother to her when I'm such a coward, I'm supposed to be a role model for her, be a good example for her, but how can I do that when I'm weak and pathetic...I'm such a wimp"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now