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So Sophia travels through the mushroom kingdom with toad but once she enters the kingdom she immediately gets stares from all the other toads.

"Our of the people, this girl gets help"

And immediately they make way for Sophia, all staring at her.

"Oh...oh now you move, oh sure you make way for a women but you don't do it for Mario and Luigi.

Sophia felt nervous then she saw a yellow toad leaning against a building and finger gunning her then winks, one green toad was lifting up some coins, he flexed his muscles for her, trying to show off for her, then they all tried following her, some did a wolf whistle.

"Well here we are" toad got her to the castle, she looks up and was amazed by it.


But suddenly, just like her brothers she was stopped by two guard.

"Hold it right there, you-" but a blue toad guard gasped when he saw Sophia, he was smitten by her.

"Wow" he nudge yellow toad guard who was sleeping.

"Huh?" He wakes up then he aimed his battle axe at Sophia.

She backs up while the blue guard just stared at her, with his jaw dropping.

"State your mane and business" the yellow toad says.

"Oh, I'm Sophia, I'm the super Mario brother's sister, I need to see the princess"

"Nice try but-" but suddenly when she flashed her eyes slowly and brushed her hair back, the yellow toad was immediately smitten.

"Well, anyone who is a friend of the Mario brothers is welcome here, go right in" they let her and toad in.

The two watch her go inside, they turned to each other whispering about Sophia.

"Sorry about them, they never seen a human girl before"

As they head to find princess peach, bowser was already in the castle, he sneaked through the vent, he ran carefully and found himself in close to peach's bedroom, he got in then he looked everywhere through her room.

"Come on, where is it" he raid through her room throwing her clothes out of her dresser.

"I know you're in here somewhere"

Then he went though her closet, then he smiled sinisterly.

"There you are" inside was a question box.

He jumped on then pounded on the box and out came a A large yellowish-orange mushroom with red spores.

He jumped on then pounded on the box and out came a A large yellowish-orange mushroom with red spores

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Bowser walked up to it, then he started eating it, And as he does....he started to grow.

Meanwhile Mario and Luigi were fixing the castle's pipes.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now