Sophia's birthday

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Mario and Luigi then Arrived to Brooklyn, they rushed to their house.

Using the old house key they still had to get inside, Luigi had their present for Sophia.

"You got the present Luigi?" Marion makes sure.

"Yep, got it right here" Luigi holds a small purple box.

Then once they get inside, they see their whole family was there, Sophia was seating in the back of the table and in the center was the cake.

Then once they get inside, they see their whole family was there, Sophia was seating in the back of the table and in the center was the cake

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They everyone looks up to see the super Mario brothers.

They everyone looks up to see the super Mario brothers

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"Ay-yo!" They all greeted them.


Then Sophia looks up to them, "Mario? Luigi?"

She ran and pulls them both in a hug, "hey little sis" Mario and Luigi hugged her back.

"Hey Sophia" Luigi says.

Then the three let go, "you guys came" she was very excited to see them, as much as they were excited to see her.

"Well of course we did, we're your brothers" Mario says.

"Yeah, we wouldn't miss your birthday for the world"

"Well it's great to see you guys again"

After singing happy birthday, they had cake, the siblings catch up with each other.

"So how you guys been, it's been awhile since I last saw you guys" Sophia asked.

"Oh we been pretty good, still working as plumbers when needed"

"That's nice, So how's the mushroom kingdom doing and princess peach"

"Oh peach" he blushes a bit by the sight of her name.

"She's doing great and the mushroom kingdom is ok too now that bowser is trapped in a cage"

"You mean, he's still there"


She started to think about him, "how's he doing by the way"

"Oh, he's doing ok, still trapped but don't worry, we are making sure he doesn't escape"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now