The unexpected

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Dk and Sophia stare happily at each other, about ready to kiss again when Mario and Luigi get between them, they hugged Sophia.

"Oh Sophie, we so glad you're back" Mario says.

But as she hugs them, she looks up at Dk who was smiling softly, she smiled back.

"It's good to see you guys too" she rubs her back but both Sophia and Dk looked worried.

After awhile, Sophia and princess peach chat about what happened.

"He tired to get me to marry him again" Sophia says.

"I'm very jealous of you" peach smiles, "he used to come after me, but not since he meet you, but I'm glad he's no longer interested in me"

Peach laughed, "at least your lucky he doesn't have to kidnap you"

But urbe she frowns, "Sophia, do you remember anything at bowser's castle, is he planning anything, what's he up too?" Sophia asked.

But Sophia looked puzzled, "no, but if I can remember, he was talking it this...ghost"

They all gasped as Sophia chuckles, "I know it sounds crazy"

"No he's king boo" peach says.

"Oh yeah, That's He's name and if I can remember, my mind is still fuzzy, I remember bowser was wearing this weird bell around his neck"

Then peach and cranky kong gasped, which worried the super Mario siblings.

"What?" Sophia says.

"Did it look anything like this" peach shows her a image of the bell.

"Yeah that's it, why?"

"That Is the super bell" peach says.

"The super bell?" Mario asked.

"You used it last time to defeat donkey Kong remember" peach reminded him.

But it made Mario smiled, "so it's gonna turn him into a little cat" Mario and Luigi chuckles

But peach looks worried, "no, it's not gonna make him small, if the blue mushroom makes him small and the super star can make him invincible the super bell will turn him into a giant super cat"

"Can you imagine, if he actives that power up" cranky kong says, "he'll be too invincible and destroy our kingdoms"

It worried Mario Luigi and Sophia but then peach noticed the bloodstone ring on Sophia's finger.

"Excuse me Sophia" peach calls her.


"Why did you get that ring" she points.

"Oh...this, bowser gave it to me"

"Can I see it"

"Sure" she takes the ring off and gives it to peach.

"he proposed to me, again"

Then Mario and Luigi groans, "again" Mario grunts.

"You can't be serious"

"Even if I said no, he's not gonna take no for a answer, I can't believed i almost married him"

"It's worst then that, you were forced to marry him" Mario says.

"That ring is the legendary bloodstone ring it was from the dessert lands inside a secret temple, some look for the ring but never come back alive"

"Well I guess bowser stole it so he can propose to Sophia" Mario says.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now