The truth

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The Mario brothers were puzzled by how Sophia could've gotten pregnant overnight and in one day.

"How is this possible?" Mario says.

He and the others were in the castle, Sophia was sitting on a sofa, she was holding her stomach, it was still a shocked to her that she was pregnant.

"I don't know" peach throws to think, "Sophia did you remember anything on bowser's castle, did you take anything eat or drink anything" she asked Sophia.

"No" she shook her head.

"All I remember is they gave me some tea and I drink it all, then everything became fuzzy after that"

"Oh no"

"Oh no? Define oh no" Mario asked as it worried him.

Then a yellow Counsel toad came in with a blue toad Doctor.

"Princess?, the doctor is back with the results"

"The test has been confirmed and they show postitive...its bowser's"

Everyone gasped then back in bowser's castle, he was astounded to hear about Sophia getting pregnant.

"Pregnant you say?" He asked king boo.

"Yeah, that's why I needed your hair, I needed your DNA so she can give bear your child"

"She's holding my child, this is too good, this is amazing"

"Of course it is" king boo says.

"GENERAL!" bowser called for the blue shell Koopa, he flew in and saluted him.

"Yes my king"

"Assemble the army, it's time I get my bride back...and my child"

He stares outside the window, as the general flew.

"And this time, no mistakes, nothing is gonna take my child away, not again"

He starts to get a flashback when Phiariah was first pregnant.

It was when he was having dinner with her, he was eating when he looks up at Phiariah.

"Well phiariah, here we are, we will soon get married, our kingdoms will emerged into one"

"Yes and soon, we will here the pitter patter of the little ones"

"Little ones? Oh if you mean by the goombas don't mind them...they have the brains as size as a acorn"

But something else was on my mind, "bowser, I'm pregnant" she deliver the news just like that.

"What?" He was shocked.

"Yeah" she nodded.

"Are you serious" he gets up.

Then she takes his hand and pressed it against her stomach, he was in awed to feel something.

"Oh phiariah...this is amazing" he smiled then he picks her up and spins her around.

"Ah, really bowser"

"Yes, it's been my dream to start a family and with a baby on the way" he rubs her stomach, "this will sure bring out kingdoms together"

But she liked a bit worried, "I don't know bowser"

"Is something the matter my queen?"

"I just worried about our child, what if this wedding doesn't go so well, what if we can't be together"

"It finest matter, I love you and I am willing to fall on my knees and die for you, my star, I love you phiariah"

"And i love you bowser" they kissed passionately but little did they know, her father the king overheard, he was not happy.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now