Never gonna be the same

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Mario and Luigi turns to the bowser and he sneered at them.

"You two may not know it yet, but I'm going to get your sister back one way or another"

Mario scoffs, "how are you gonna do that when you're held in a cage and all tiny.

He flicks the cage, causing it to jiggle a bit then as as Mario was close enough.

"I'll get your sister back and when I'll do you'll never see her again, maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but one day I'll find a way out of here and when I do I'll get you'er sister, so enjoy your sister's birthday, spend as much time as you have with her, because some say when I escape I'm taking your sister and I'll be sure you two will pay the price for taking my bride away"

Mario left threatened while Luigi was terrified, he hid behind Mario for protection.

"You'll see, I have big plans, I'll get you two for this, but just be sure to tell Sophia I said happy birthday"

"You'll never see get, I'll be sure if that, trust me bowser I'm gonna make sure you'll never see Sophia again or hurt her again"

"Oh no, fine then, you can go home then, but rest assured I will not rest, I will not sleep, I will not quit till you sister is finally mine" he snatches the hibiscus flower.

"Hey!" Mario tries to get the flower back but he saw bowser hugging it, then he laughed like demented villain he is today.

"Give that back"

"She's mine you hear me, mine, mine mine mine mine MINE"

Luigi started to panic then he grabbed Mario, and he takes Luigi out of the room while bowser continues to gloat.

"She's mine you hear me, you can't keep us apart forever, I'll rebuild my army, I'll take back my bride then soon, I will rule the world and you and your brother will be at my mercy AHHAHAHAHA"

"Come on Luigi let's go, we got to go to Sophia's birthday party"

"But what about Sophia's hair clip" Luigi was worried, but it didn't bother Mario one bit.

"Ah let him have it, it'll be a reminder that he'll never gonna see Sophia again"

"Didn't you hear what he just said: he's gonna come after Sophia, what are we gonna do, what if he tries to escape, we should warn Sophia, I don't wanna lose her again"

"Didn't you hear what he just said: he's gonna come after Sophia, what are we gonna do, what if he tries to escape, we should warn Sophia, I don't wanna lose her again"

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"Luigi relax, he's in a cage and tiny plus Sophia is back in Brooklyn far away from him, it'll be impossible for him to get her"

"But Mario What if tries to escape"

"Come on Luigi he's trapped in a tiny cage with no use of getting out, he won't be getting out any time soon, and even if he does escape, how's he gonna get to Sophia when he has no idea where she is and he's tiny Luigi, how's he gonna get her when he's just a normal pet turtle, we got nothing to worry about is relax it's not like he's gonna try to escape, but if he does how's he gonna get big again, now come on we don't wanna keep Sophia waiting on her birthday"

So while the brothers heads back to Brooklyn, back in Brooklyn underneath the sewers, Dk was racing back home, he looks around to make sure that no one was seeing him then he went through the pipes that would take him back to his works, once on the other side of pipes where he was in the mushroom kingdom, he parked his kart there.

He got in and drive all the way back to the jungle kingdom, he was trying his best head to his hut without being spotted, inside the kingdom he hides his kart then he arrives at his hut.

He climbs up through the window to sneak in his bedroom, then he lifts up the covers of his blanket as he was about to sleep when his dad arrived.

"Ah good you're awake"

He groans quietly then he faked a smile, "yeah I thought I make my bed early"

"Come, we have a big day ahead of us"

Then they both walked through the kingdom, but cranky kong sees how tired king was with the darkened circles underneath his eyes.

"You ok my son"

It threw donkey Kong off, "what? Yeah I'm fine what makes you say that"

"You been distracted recently, it's unlike you, you know this is a different part of I never seen"

Passing by a garden, Dk was looking at some white lilies that reminded him of Sophia.

"Is it a special girl you are seeing" cranky kong was smirking.

Dk was shocked when his dad was getting suspicious.

"Wha-what? What are you talking about?"

"Son, come with me" cranky Kong takes him to the highest hut where they could see the entire kingdom.

"My son, you rejected every girl in the kingdom who tries to see you, why is that?"

"Oh, I Don't know dad, I guess, they don't interest me"

"Ah, is there a girl you are a seeing that I do t know about, she must be that special seething she is changing you, when can I meet her?"

"Oh I Don't know, I guess when the time is right"

But then he sees a look on his dad's face, it was irritated.

"My son, you are about to turn 21 next year, I'm not getting any younger"

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"My son, you are about to turn 21 next year, I'm not getting any younger"


"I'm old, I won't be around which is why I need you to run the kingdom when I retire, I need you to find a girl who will one day be future queen of the jungle kingdom to rule by your side, to who will be my daughter in law, I want to have grandchildren to spoil, I just hope that one day you will final get married"

"Dad? I'll get married....just some day, when the timing seems right"

"Right, well when you do, I hope that one day you will introduce me to this mystery girl"

Cranky kong leaves having Dk thinking about what he said.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS 2-bowser's furyWhere stories live. Discover now