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✨ Il bambino che contava le stelle (Ultimo)✨ Another one bites the dust (Queen)✨ Smell like teen spirit (Nirvana)✨ Can't help falling in love (Elvis Presley)✨ Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley)✨ Interstellar (Piano)✨ You belong with my (Taylor Swift)✨...

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✨ Il bambino che contava le stelle (Ultimo)
✨ Another one bites the dust (Queen)
✨ Smell like teen spirit (Nirvana)
✨ Can't help falling in love (Elvis Presley)
✨ Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley)
✨ Interstellar (Piano)
✨ You belong with my (Taylor Swift)
✨ Don't let me down (The Beatles)
✨ Dumb (Nirvana)
✨ Enchanted (Taylor Swift)
✨ Everything i wanted (Billie Eilish)
✨ Concedimi (Matteo Romano)
✨ Sarà perché ti amo (Ricchi e poveri)

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