It's been a long day.

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You got scolded by Bakashi and Sakuhoe for deciding to scare them from falling from the top of a tree.

I mean, you only want to die!! Is that so fucking bad!?!

Anyway, right now you were in a separate part of the forest, away from where Naruto and Sasuke were trying to walk up the trees.

You stood in the middle of a clearing in the trees,
thinking of the hand signs that are used for summoning well, summonings.

Since you had already signed the contract in your
mindscape with Raiju, all you needed to do was
summon a dragon, or whatever the contract was for, and then be reverse summoned and... and that was all that you had planned up to so far.

You bit your thumb before doing the hand signs that you remembered were used for summoning before slamming your hand on the ground.

Once you did there was smoke and you took two steps back to give the summoning space in case it was big.

When the smoke cleared, you saw not one, but two
dragons standing there. The first one was what
appeared to be a small to medium sized dragon that had a black and white body, the wings were black and it had ear fins on the top of its head that were white. It had some spikes going from the head all the way down to its tail and its tail fins were white. It had big blue eyes and a white underbelly and paws.

The next dragon, who was larger, was a full black dragon with green eyes. It appeared to be the same as the smaller dragon but well, bigger and full black. As soon as the older dragon of the two noticed you, it got on defense.

And of course, you being the fucking psycho you were, walked right up to it as it growled.

Unlike Raju, it didn't talk to you. But, it did
telepathically speak. How it did it you would never

"Who are you and where are we? it asked.

"....M/n, land of waves, We are in the land of waves and I summoned you because a fatass dragon demon thing that lives in me gave me a contract thing."

"Now if you would mind telling yours" you said all the while smiling at the two dragons.

The two dragons were still skeptical, but that was to be expected.

I Mean, who wouldn't be skeptical around some weirdo who magically transported them to somewhere they don't know?

The younger and most definitely smaller one who seemed to be less skeptical than the older one of the
two spoke up telepathically first.

"Well i'm dart! And this is my dad! We were flying when you summoned us!" said dart full of energy.

Then the older one spoke.

"And I'm Toothless, the current alpha of all dragons.
So... since you're our new Summoner.. We have to train you.. But that can wait for another day.." said

"Huh... this reminds me of that dragon movie I watched at some point... perhaps...?'you thought to yourself before lifting your hand up towards toothless and turning your head to face the other way with your eyes closed.

You waited for a minute before feeling what you could only assume were scales. Opening your eyes and looking towards you hand you saw your hand on toothless' snout with his eyes closed before he slowly opened them to look at you.

"Well... now l understand why Hiccup was so happy
when he did that" you said with a wide grin towards the dragon.

So... the time came for you to finally battle haku and
cow man.

After naruto saved inari and tsunami from the three forgettable assholes that nobody remembers the names

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