2 (PART I)

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One morning Nicholas sent for Charlize in the library. He told her he had to communicate a decision he had taken, "My late father, before he died, recommended me to provide to all his employees", he said, "That doesn't limitate to the work matters only. But it means guaranteeing a decent life to them", Charlize listened carefully in silence, "Your Lord Father was bounded by profound esteem to Sir Cheshire, he was as a family member to him",

"I am aware of it, Sir",

"So I feel myself doubly obligated to take care of him and his family. You are his only child and I imagine he would want to see you married and married well",

"Forgive me, but I am not following you, Sir...",

"You are in marriageable age by now. Which is why I am thinking of finding you a worthy betrothed", Charlize was bewildered, "A betrothed, Sir?", she questioned, "I am going to speak to your father about it, so     I'll see what he thinks", Nicholas said, "Of course your manners and your education requires a spouse of a certain stature, that is why I have no intention of marrying you to any farmer or servant", Charlize was confused, "I thank Your Grace for caring of my welfare, Sir, but Your Lordship has not asked my opinion about it...", she said,

"Don't you aspire to a marriage?",

"Marriage is not in my plans at the moment, Sir",

"That is because you are still very young. Clearly I do not intend to force you to a spouse who is not in your liking, you can express your opinion on the man I will choose for you. And in case of a negative response,      I shall care to find another betrothed", Charlize remained silent, "Are you not going to thank me?", Nicholas asked, "...Of course. Thank you, Sir", Charlize said,

"I have heard in the neighborhood there are some lesser landowners, of humble origins, who became wealthy by working. Maybe any of them might agree to become your husband",

"But in that case I should leave Cheshire Park, Sir", Charlize said doubtfully, "You would not want to work in the servitude all your life", replied Nicholas, she said nothing and she was dismissed.

Charlize had never thought of getting married and least of all leaving Cheshire Park and her father, even the thought of it saddened her, but she did not dare to contradict Sir Nicholas.

On his hand, Nicholas believed it would be best for both of them to send her away from Cheshire Park. Furthermore, during that period Nicholas was practicing abstinence for the Festivity period and he meant to have as few 'distractions' as possible.

The following evening, which was Easter Sunday, after attending the Mass in the Chapel, Nicholas joined the workers for the dinner in the borough. He was happily welcomed by all of them and he was pleased to see Charlize giving the painted stones she had made to the children.

After the dinner, the Priest gave a blessing and announced that Charlize and another young lady were going to wash the feet of present ones. Nicholas later learned it was a custom performed every year.

He did not want to take part in it, but Charlize insisted on washing him.

After the ceremonial Nicholas took monsieur André aside and informed him about his offer to Charlize, "Since you were as a kin to my father and he recommended me to provide to his employees, I am thinking of helping your daughter", he said,


"Any of the lesser landowners in the neighborhood may be a good husband for her", Mr. André was surprised, "I am grateful to Your Lordship for caring about her. But honestly, I haven't thought of a giving her in marriage for now", said Mr. André,

"At her age many women are already married",

"I am aware of it. The thing is she is content to serve in Thy house. And she had been raised in Cheshire Park",

"She told me that. However you should reconsider it, she may rise in class. She is far too refined to be a servant",

"I am thankful for Thy generosity, Sir", said Mr. André thoughtful, before taking his leave.

The following morning Charlize, setting for breakfast along with Mrs. Martinez, exchanged a few words with her about the dinner the night before, Mrs. Martinez said in a serious tone: "...I have seen the way the master was looking at you last night", in awe Charlize replied: "I do not know what you mean",

"Don't pretend to have not noticed it! But after all, it is not a bad thing, it is a luck. Men like him can guarantee a comfortable life",

"But the other day you said a gentlemen would never marry someone as we are",

"Who mentioned marriage? Many women live in concubinage. You could be the richest lady in the neighborhood!", Charlize was indignant by her words, "How can you even think such a thing as that?", she said, "However, you are wrong about the master, he has informed me he intends to find a betrothed for me",

"A betrothed?",

"Exactly. He says he wants to comply to his Lord Father's request to provide for his employees",

"Well, it could have been worse. You could have ended up married to a farmhand, who would have made you work in the fields", commented Mrs. Martinez snorting.

Charlize called Nicholas for breakfast. He said to her: "It was generosity of you what you have done last night for the farmhands's children", she nodded, "I had a conversation with your father last night about my offer. He said he is considering it", Nicholas added, "Thank you, Sir", Charlize replied.

That morning Nicholas received a letter from an aunt of him, who had lived in Canada for many years: she announced her visit to him soon.

Nicholas had not seen his aunt since he was a boy and he was pleased to see her again.

Therefore he gave instructions to the servants to receive her.

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