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It was a sunny and pleasant morning the day of Nicholas and Charlize's wedding.

She was wearing a simple dress, with a lace veil and no jewels or adornments, aside the ones nature had bestowed to her.

All the farmers and servants attended the wedding feast; monsieur André congratulated with the newlyweds, hugging Charlize and he said to her: "May the Lord bless your family, my child".

Leaving the newlyweds to their wedding night, we resume the narrative two months later, during their journey in Ireland.

Charlize had the sensation as she had always known those places, she was enchanted by the green landscapes and the mountains.

She and Nicholas visited several Churches. Although in public places Charlize was looked with bewilderment, since people were not accustom to see a Creole woman, Charlize tried not to pay attention to it.

Returned in Jamaica, Charlize had an insight and she discussed with Nicholas about it: "Considering your caring about farmhands's living conditions and their children, I have thought, if you think it appropriate, I could run some classes to give them an education", Nicholas found it a beneficial initiative by Charlize, "I believe it is a very good idea", he said to her, "And it is admirable of you", Charlize was pleased about it and she expressed the desire to have an humble and generous life, "I will not let my new privileged position embolden me. I'll do anything to keep an humble and modest heart", she said.

She soon began to schedule grammar and mathematics lessons in the borough, as well as basis of science and history and clearly catechesis.

As he had mentioned before, Nicholas, after selling some of his properties in Dublin, retired to private life along with Charlize.

He never showed himself in any public event, not even beside his children.

                                                                  THE END.

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