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Nicholas reached the inn where Pablo had stopped. He decided to challenge him to a last blood duel.

"Find yourself a second ", he told him, "Despite I know you did not act on your own initiative", he replied: "I do not know what Your Lordship is talking about. And I do not know what that maid told you, but I assure you she has consented",

"Enough!", shouted Nicholas, "You will pay for what you dared to do! Even if you was sent to do it, it is not matter to me by now. I will repair the outrage as a gentleman", said this he left the inn, but he made sure Pablo was watched to avoid he to escape.

They arranged a pistol duel.

Nicholas was aware he was risking his life, but he had more experience in use of weapons.

Unbeknown of the duel, Lady Gilmore left the estate that day and she went to pay her respects to Nicholas.

"Have a safe journey home, milady", Nicholas said, "Won't you congratulate with me for the wedding?", he added, Lady Gilmore, hiding her disdain, she replied: "Certainly. Congratulations", he nodded, Lady Gilmore took her leave and she walked to her carriage, awaiting in front of the house.

Gilmore took her leave and went to the carriage, which was waiting for her in front of the house.

Nicholas went to visit Charlize, who was out of bed by then.

"How do you feel today?", he asked her,

"I am feeling well now",

"Lady Gilmore left this morning",

"She left? I must say I didn't expect her to attend the wedding", Nicholas decided to be honest with her, although fearing to upset her, "Charlize...there is something you need to know", he said, "I would not want to remind you what happened. But I have always thought Pablo's behavior was suspicious, his sudden violence...",

"It is suspicious to me either",

"I have reason to believe he did not act on his initiative", confused Charlize asked: "What do you mean? Do you think he had an accomplice?", Nicholas replied: "I believe he was sent to do it", dismayed Charlize said: "Sent? But why was that?", Nicholas continued: "The fact it happened right on the eve of our wedding raised my doubts. It might be Lady Gilmore's doing, to prevent the wedding", Charlize was shattered, "Do you believe she would have gone that far?", she questioned with an agitated tone, "The other day, conversing with her, I let her know I had some suspicions about her. Which is why she left", Nicholas said, "...I had no idea she held such hostility toward me to this point!", Charlize exclaimed grieved, Nicholas approached her, "Now it is all through. Lady Gilmore is gone", he said, "Your own family has turned against you because of me!", she said upset, "My family will be you and the children we'll have", Nicholas told her, "However, there is something I have to do. ...Pablo has been traced and he must be punished",

"What do you plan to do?",

"I have challenged him to a duel, to the death", Charlize was dismayed, "What? No. Nicholas, it is not worth risking life!", she said, "It is decided. Tomorrow we will fight and only one of us will stay alive", Nicholas stated, concerned Charlize replied: "You cannot risk your life because of me! I would never forgive myself if something happened to you!",

"It is my duty to defend your honor",

"What if you'll be slain? Would it be worth it to throw your life away and our future either? And how could I cope with the sense of guilt to have been the cause of it?",

"I have experience with firearms. It will be fine",

"Please, do not do this", she said with tears in her eyes, "I am not a coward and I am not going to step back", he replied as he held her.

Charlize was distressed and she could not bear the thought of Nicholas risking his life because of her... she would not had peace with his death on her conscience.

She spent all the night praying for he safety. She thought perhaps Lady Gilmore was right by saying she should not dare to 'climb' to his rank.

Monsieur André had agreed to be Nicholas's second, he only knew that Pablo had disrespected her, Charlize had never mentioned the assault with him.

Nicholas went to the duel place, along with Mr. André and a servant. But a dishonest man as Pablo was is not used to 'play fair', most of all when is aware to have less chance of winning the duel.

Therefore when the duelists turned around and began to count the steps before firing, he did not wait until the end of the count and he turned around early aiming at Nicholas's back: the bullet hit him under the right shoulder blade and it crashed a rib.

He was helped by Mr. André and the servant, while he was bleeding profusely.

Pablo attempted to escape, but he was blocked and arrested for violating the dueling rules.

Nicholas was brought to Cheshire Park, where Charlize was shocked to see him injured and to learn what had happened.

The doctor was called, meanwhile Nicholas was unconscious.

Charlize, with an heavy heart, went to the Chapel to pray for his life.

The bullet was extracted from Nicholas's wound, but he had lost much blood and he was in fever by the reaction to the injure.

During the following three days Charlize, distressed and feeling guilty about the happening, had been fasting and praying for his recovering, doing penance.

During that period she never spoke to anyone, but one day she exchanged a few words with her father and Mr. André informed her about a matter: "Before dueling, Sir Nicholas told me he had wrote his will, when he decided to challenge Pablo to duel. Sir Nicholas has no many living kin, so he decided to name me as his sole heir*[1]", Charlize was astonished to learn Nicholas's decision, tears rolled down her cheeks, "...We do not deserve such kindness of him", she muttered, "I am the cause of his misfortune", Mr. André said to her: "Child, you have spent your life bringing joy to people. And you did it with Sir Nicholas either. And nothing could ever diminish it", he held her, encouraging her not to give into distress.

*[1] In the 18th century women could not inherit properties.

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