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Nicholas was preparing to receive Mr. Morales, coming to meet Charlize.

She commented the occurrence with Mrs. Martinez, as they were setting the table for dinner. "I know Mr. Morales from afar...", Charlize said, "They say his property is very profitable", commented Mrs. Martinez,

"For much that I care for patrimony...",

"Us women have to consider every aspect of our suitors",

"It is enough for me he wishes a decorous liaison!", Charlize said with an altered tone, she could not help but thinking back to Nicholas's proposal, Mrs. Martinez did not miss to notice it, "Why do you say that? What makes you think he does not wish it?", she questioned,

"It is just, some men do not follow the dictates of decency",

"If you are referring to what I told you about noblemen...",

"I do not wish to talk about this now. If Mr. Morales can offer me a respectable life I have no reason to refuse to marry him", in that moment Lady Gilmore walked in.

Charlize and Mrs. Martinez bowed, "I was searching for my nephew", Lady Gilmore said, "The Lord is yet to return, milady", Mrs. Martinez replied, Lady Gilmore left the room, but she had heard the latest Charlize's sentences and they had aroused suspects in her.

When Nicholas returned, he sent for Charlize in the library, to communicate her Mr. Morales was going to arrive the following day at lunchtime, "Obviously you and Mr. Morales should comply a proper acquaintance period. I am not going to urge you to marry someone you do not appreciate", Nicholas told her,

"I am grateful for Thy interest",

"I wanted to apologize about the other day. I was indelicate, I did not mean to offend you with my proposal",

"I have no resentment for Your Excellence. I understand Your Lordship has to follow the etiquette and I would never demand otherwise. The thing is I am not the kind of woman to fulfill that sort of role", Nicholas approached her, "It is precisely the way you are that I love you for", he said, leaving Charlize stunned, hesitating she muttered: "...If it is so, how can you ask me to be different?",

"I am not asking you to be different. All I ask of you is you to put formalities aside",

"Thee are asking me to put what is virtuous aside!", she said indignantly, Nicholas suddenly held her and kissed her, Charlize was dismayed and stood still.

"If only there was another way to stay together I would do it, believe me!", exclaimed Nicholas, "How could I ever do such a thing as that?", she quarreled, breaking free from his embrace, "Who assures me Your Grace won't marry another lady one day?",

"I will not. You will be the only one for me",

"And what about our children? They would be illegitimate ones!", she shed a tear, "...That is true, I cannot guarantee everything", he said sighing, "But could you not sacrifice something, as I am willing to do?", he asked her, "Should I sacrifice my own dignity? Someone who truly loves does not ask for such sacrifices!", she said upset and she walked to the door, "I demand the subject will not be mentioned again", she said before leaving.

Nicholas wondered if Charlize was right saying what she had said. What should he do, then?

On her hand Charlize was living a turmoil of emotions, a moment she believed to detest him and the next moment to love him. But in any case she was aware the perspective of a legitimate liaison between she and Nicholas was not possible.

While she was taken by her doubts, Charlize was called by Lady Gilmore in her chamber. Lady Gilmore asked for some tea, before Charlize left her room she said to her: "This morning, not wanting, I have heard some of your words to the other housekeeper",

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