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The "scoundrel" in the meantime went to claim his reward from Lady Gilmore, avoiding to mention he had failed to carry out the vile purpose. "It has been done as Your Ladyship has requested", he said, showing her a brooch belonging to Charlize, "But I must leave immediately, before Sir Cheshire is informed", Lady Gilmore took the brooch, "My servant will give you what we have agreed", she said, dismissing him.

He left Cheshire Park within half an hour.

Meanwhile Charlize was escorted to the estate by the farmers who had rescued her and Nicholas was informed of what had happened.

He immediately sent for the doctor and he rushed to Charlize's bedside. "I am shattered, but I am fine now", Charlize reassured him, "Who did this?", Nicholas asked indignantly, "Pablo. The gamekeeper", she replied, "Pablo? I will punish him!", Nicholas said infuriated, before leaving the room.

He sent to seek for Pablo, but he was informed the man was nowhere to be found and he figured out Pablo had left the estate, so he ordered the servants to seek for him in the neighborhood.

Meanwhile the doctor visited Charlize, but apart a few bruises she had no serious injures.

She was assisted by Mrs. Martinez, who tried to comfort her. She asked her father not be told about that, she did not want to give him such a concern.

While Nicholas was speaking to a pair of servants, Lady Gilmore walked in, pretending to be unaware of what had happened, "What is this turmoil for, nephew?", she asked,

"Charlize has been assaulted",

"Assaulted? By whom?",

"One of the gamekeepers",

"That is awful! And how is she now?", said Lady Gilmore pretending concern, "She is recovering. Fortunately it is nothing grave", Nicholas replied,

"Is it the sort of assault I am thinking of?",

"...It was an unfortunate occurring, but it is the case to mention it anymore",

"It often happens to ladies of humble condition",

"I am going to check on Charlize",

"I suppose you expected not to find her 'pure', did you not?", disturbed Nicholas replied: "I do not intend to discuss this matter with Thou, milady",

"I am an experienced woman, I am not scandalized about such matters. And you are wise enough to understand that regarding a servant lady you have to expect she has belonged to other men before you",

"Thee do not know Charlize", Nicholas said, taking his leave.

He went to visit Charlize in her chamber. She was vexed by the occurring and by Pablo's behavior, "Did you find him?", she asked him,

"No, I did not. Probably he left the estate to avoid the punishment. That wretched!",

"He had never disrespected me before. Even thought I have not spent much time in his company aside of my tasks. But why did I become the object of wickedness by him all the sudden?", some tears fell on her cheeks, "Think not about it anymore, Charlize", Nicholas told her, "...Just tell me one thing: have you been rescued in time or was it too late?", realizing what he meant, Charlize replied: "It was not too late, thankfully...", Nicholas felt relieved, "Either way it would not change anything in my intentions. I would marry you in any case. I am saying it for you", he said, Charlize was moved by his decency.

On his hand, Nicholas had strong suspicions about Pablo's behavior, even if he had not known him well. He discussed the matter even with Mrs. Martinez, "Did Pablo cause any trouble in past? Or has anyone ever complained about him?", Nicholas asked her, "No, never. He was a reserved man, he did not talk much. But nobody has ever had any quarrel with him", she said, "Besides, Charlize used to converse with him solely to give him instruction. He had never given her that sort of attention", her words raised his doubts, it seemed suspicious to him that Pablo had suddenly become violent.

Nicholas did not dine that evening, but he joined Lady Gilmore for the coffee afterward.

She asked about Charlize, "How is your fiancée?", she questioned,

"She is recovering",

"And the perpetrator of that reckless act? Was he duty punished?",

"They are seeking for him. Something weird is that Charlize has been here since she was a child and she had never had any problem with anyone. But right now that she is about to become my wife someone makes in mind to assault her", catching Nicholas's suspicious tone, Lady Gilmore said: "As I said, Charlize must have had other 'acquaintances' among men of her condition. Here the women have different customs than the European ones", Nicholas slammed the cup on the coffee table, "No one would have dared to touch Charlize knowing she is the master's fiancée!", he said with altered voice; noting the look in his eyes while staring at her, Lady Gilmore, fearing he suspected something about her, said to him: "...What is your point, Nicholas?", Nicholas spoke slowly, but severely: "If I would find out that someone else is behind the assault...      I would have no qualms about making him or her pay", Lady Gilmore understood he was suspicious about her, Nicholas stood up, "I do not mean to be impolite with Thee, milady, but I believe Thy stay here has lingered too long", he said before leaving the room.

Lady Gilmore had no intention of provoking him further and she decided it was better leaving Cheshire Park.

The following day Nicholas was informed by the servants that Pablo had been traced in an inn, not far from the estate. Nicholas intended to do what was necessary to defend Charlize's honor.

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