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While Charlize was preparing the guest room, she met Mr. André in the corridor and she asked him if he was willing to accept Sir Nicholas's offer, "His initiative has surprised me as much as it surprised you. But we would not want to contradict our master", he said,

"I might accept marriage, if only it doesn't mean to leave you and this house",

"It pains me as well. But Sir Nicholas said a right thing: you have been accustomed to the European manners, you have never worked in the fields or any other hard work, so it would not be convenient for you to marry a farmer. Maybe I am to blame for that, I should have raised you as a woman of our condition, not as an Irish lady",

"Do not say that, father, it was me to decide to chose this lifestyle for me",

"At nine and ten years old*[1] you should be married already", said Mr. André, before taking leave of her.

That evening, before supper, while Charlize was busy giving instruction in the laundry, Nicholas lingered conversing with Mrs. Martinez, "How long have you been serving in this house, Mrs. Martinez?", Nicholas asked her,

"About fifteen years, Sir",

"So you know well Mr. André and Charlize?",

"Certainly. Monsieur André was already working in the estate when      I arrived here. And I have known Charlize since she was a child, she is close to a daughter to me",

"I must admit I have been impressed by Charlize's manners, which are hardly distinguishable from an Irish Lady of High Society's ones",

"She is been educated in this way since she was a child. In this area there are more Europeans than locals by now",

"Did Charlize tell you about my initiative regarding her?",

"If Your Grace means Thy wish to find her a betrothed, yes Sir, she has mentioned it to me",

"Do you think it is what she wants?",

"I cannot tell, Sir", hesitating Nicholas asked: "Speaking between me and you, do you believe Charlize might accept... another kind of relationship, instead of marriage?", Mrs. Martinez, who was not naive, caught the point, "Pardon me, is Your Lordship referring to concubinage, Sir?", she asked,

"You have understood well",

"Honestly, Sir, Thee might have noticed that Charlize is a faithful practicing religious young lady. I think I have never known a more devoted maiden than she is, not even among European ladies. Therefore I believe it is unlikely she would accept it",

"I see...", Nicholas said resigned, "Thank you for your sincerity".

Nicholas wanted to remove that doubt, but he knew Charlize needed to have an husband and a life worthy of her.

That evening Nicholas had her called in his room to give her two paintings as presents, "On an occasion you have expressed your wish to see Ireland", he said, "So I would like you to have these", he showed her the paintings: one pictured the River Liffey in Dublin with a bridge above and the other one pictured the Irish countryside.

"Sir, I cannot accept", said Charlize in awe, "Take them as a wedding gift", Nicholas replied, "Thank you, Sir", she said, she picked up the countryside painting and she commented: "Such wonderful places", he told her: "Maybe one day you will see those place with your eyes", Charlize took her leave of him.

As she left the room she run into Mrs. Martinez, "What are you carrying?", she questioned, "They are two paintings. Sir Cheshire gave me as present", she said, "It is a wedding present", she showed her one of them, "They picture Ireland", she added,

"Very generous of him. You had a great fortune, Charlize. To have catch the eye of such a wealthy man",

"We have already talked about this, madame. He wishes me to get married",

"Well, if you know how to seize the opportunity you have, he could even marry you", stunned Charlize said: "How can you say that? He marrying me!",

"I happened sometimes in past, although it is not noblemen's custom",

"You are forgetting my origins, Mrs. Martinez", Charlize said, before taking her leave.

Charlize dare not even think about such a possibility, becoming Sir Nicholas's wife. She was aware that, no matter how hard she would try, she would never be the same as a noblewoman, her origins would always be before the eyes of all the people and there was no way to conceal them.

*[1] Nine and ten: nineteen years old.

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