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The following afternoon monsieur André went to Cheshire house to converse to Charlize, he had to remove his doubt about Sir Nicholas.

He told her: "Dear daughter, our conversation yesterday left me bemused. I have noticed the way Sir Cheshire tells about you with deep admiration",

"What of it?",

"Did Sir Nicholas give you attention?", Charlize, in awe, replied: "...It is not what you think. Sir Nicholas has never disrespected me. ...Either way, he does has an interest for me", Mr. André had his doubts confirmed, "You should have told me. I would have taken you away from this house, without marrying Mr. Morales, nor anyone else!", he said, "I did not want to give you concern", Charlize replied, "Besides, there is no any peril for me any longer. Sir Nicholas wants to take me as wife", Mr. André was baffled to hear that, "Wife? A governess?", he questioned,

"It is so. He intends to have me as an honest woman",

"Do you have feelings for him?",

"I do. But they have never led me to any indecent behavior. And neither he has never had such a behavior with me. I swear", Mr. André was doubtful all the same and he was unbeliever about marriage: a nobleman does not marry a woman from the servitude and least of all a woman of her origins.

He wanted to converse to Sir Nicholas and he demanded to be received by him.

"I was going to call you to discuss an important matter", Nicholas said to him,

"I know what you are referring to. I have spoke to Charlize",

"So she told you about my proposal?",

"She has informed me. But allow me to express my misgiving about the prospective of a marriage, Sir. That I am a farmhand and I am not Irish doesn't mean I have no knowledge of European noblemen's manners. And I mean not disrespect or offend Your Lordship. Your Excellency proved honesty on several occasions, as Thy father did before. Therefore I am appealing to Thy common sense, Sir",

"I perfectly understand your doubts, monsieur. But I assure you my intentions regarding Charlize are the noble ones",

"Charlize has different origins than your own, but she has been raised as a Christian since the childhood. And she has always shown a great devotion. She is nothing like the kind of woman the noblemen are accustomed to relate to",

"I have never thought about Charlize in that way",

"Charlize and I would rather to be poor, but may she be honest. Therefore, with all due respect, if Your Lordship intends to mislead an artless young lady...", he intervened: "I assure you I do not mean to, monsieur. I respect Charlize. And I have never failed to. On my honor",

"A few days ago you wanted to marry her to Mr. Morales and now Thee intend to marry her. What am I supposed to think about it?",

"I have tried to send Charlize away from this house to safeguard her. And I thought finding her a spouse was the right way to do so",

"And would a nobleman of Thy rank marry a maid of her origins? Would you expose yourself to Thy peers's wags?",

"I would",

"Will the marriage be valid, Sir?",

"Of course it will. The Priest of our Church himself will celebrate it. Charlize will be Lady Cheshire to all intents and purposes", Mr. André was impressed by Nicholas's attitude, "And does Your Lordship believe she would be worthy of it?", he asked,

"She has been raised as an European gentlewoman, why would not she be?",

"...In this case I can only express my gratitude to Thee, Sir", Nicholas shaken his hand.

Monsieur André could hardly believe such fortune had befallen on Charlize.

Before the lunch, while Nicholas was preparing to shave himself, Charlize walked in the room and dismissed the maid present, "You may live. I am the only one who shaves Sir Cheshire in this house", the maid left the room and Charlize began to sharp the razor.

"I have spoke to your father", Nicholas said to her, "He wanted to clarify some legitimate doubts",

"And did he give his consent?",

"He did", Charlize was pleased, "Where are we going to celebrate the wedding?", she asked, as she began to spread the foam on his neck,

"I think Cheshire Park Chapel would be better. Or do you prefer the village Church?",

"Whatever you have decided will be fine with me, Sir",

"By now you can stop to call me 'Sir' and just call me Nicholas",

"Certainly, Nicholas", she smiled, as she began to shave him.

Charlize later commented the fact with Mrs. Martinez, "I would like to share something with you confidentially, madame", she said to her, "Sir Nicholas has proposed me to marry him", Mrs. Martinez was surprised, "I was right then! Congratulations!", she hugged her, "I wish you to be my Lady of Honor at the wedding", Charlize told her, "It would be an honor to me!", commented Mrs. Martinez.

Soon the servitude people began to rumor about the imminent wedding between Sir Nicholas and Charlize.

It didn't take long for the rumors to reach Lady Gilmore's ears, she had not expected such an hasty decision by Nicholas.

She had extended her permanence at Cheshire Park also to try to make her nephew come to his senses. It seemed to her a very bad taste that Nicholas did not keep discretion about his romantic interest in           Charlize and he even used to show himself walking alongside her in public.

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