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A few days later Lady Gilmore, Sir Nicholas's aunt, arrived in Cheshire Park.

He welcomed his aunt and her lady-in-waiting with all the honors. Lady Gilmore was an elegant and haughty Dame, still young, she used to wear luxury dresses, with pearls around her neck and wigs.

She was pleasantly impressed by the estate, she had visited it once years earlier, but since then the estate had visibly improved and the properties were expanded.

"My dear nephew, I cannot tell how much it pleases me seeing Thee are settled", she commented to Nicholas, "It pained me hearing of Thy Lord Father's departure", Lady Gilmore had completely lost her Irish accent.

After settling, Lady Gilmore went with Nicholas to visit the estate.

While they were conversing, she commented: "Now, dear nephew, Thou only miss a wife by Thy side", Nicholas just said: "There is no haste for that".

In the evening they dined together. Charlize offered to entertain them by playing the spinet*[1], "I had no idea you can play", Nicholas said to her,

"Of course I can, Sir",

"Very well then". After dinner they moved in the living room and Charlize played for them.

Lady Gilmore had been married, but widowed still young, given her husband was older than her and they had been childless; she never remarried.

When Lady Gilmore and Nicholas had retired to their chambers, Charlize met her father in the hall, "Did Sir Nicholas tell you the news?", he questioned Charlize,

"I had no opportunity to converse with the Master today. Lady Gilmore has arrived today, his aunt",

"Yesterday he has informed me he has found a betrothed for you",

"Already? And who is his chosen one?", she asked perplexed, "I believe you know him from afar, he owns a property nearby. Mr. Morales",

"Morales? It seems to me to have known him"

"He is South American. People say he made a considerable fortune",

"...I shall express my gratitude to Sir Cheshire", Charlize just said.

The maid tried to remember something about Mr. Morales, but more than everything it troubled her the idea of finding herself living in an estate with slave people, given she had always disapproved slavery.

The following morning she wanted to discuss the matter with Sir Nicholas. When she called him for breakfast she asked him explanation, "I wish to express my gratitude for Thee taking time to find a betrothed for me. My father told me", she said,

"With my aunt's visit I did not have time to tell you about it. Mr. Morales is in a good position",

"I do not doubt it, Sir. Nevertheless, Mr. Morales owns slaves",

"Has anyone else does in this Country. My father and I are exceptions",

"I have always admired Sir Cheshire for his decision concerning that. And Your Lordship either. And I was hoping for a spouse who shares my ethics and Thy",

"Frankly, I don't believe it would be possible to find anyone such as that in the neighborhood. But do not refuse hastily Mr. Morales as a candidate, wait until you'll be knowing him", doubtful Charlize said: "I don't believe I could ever live somewhere where I'll be supposed to be served by slaves, Sir. And I would not want to appear ungrateful by expressing that",

"I completely understand your doubts, Charlize. However, you will understand I am doing all this for your welfare", Charlize did not answer and took her leave.

The conversation had saddened Nicholas even more than it did with Charlize, the thought of her married to Mr. Morales or anyone else troubled him deeply.

About his aunt Lady Gilmore, since she was a woman of great experience, it did not take long for her to sense Nicholas's feelings for Charlize.

An evening, after dinner, she took the opportunity to mention it with Nicholas, "The young maid servant is very pretty", she commented,

"Do you mean Charlize? She is not a servant, she is the governess",

"So young?",

"She is been here since she was a child",

"Women of humble origins are ambitious most of times, especially when they are good looking",

"I don't understand what Thou mean, milady",

"Gentlemen often have such 'passions', it is more common than you think. What matters is that kind of people learn to stay in their place", catching the allusion, Nicholas replied: "I can assure Your Grace is wrong. I have no lovers among my employees, neither Charlize nor anyone else. And besides Charlize is to marry",

"It is better so",

"What made you to think such a thing about me and her?",

"I am older than Your Lordship, nephew. I have noticed the way you look at her",

"Thee may be right. But I respect her", Nicholas said.

He knew his aunt spoke the truth, it was common to have mistresses and 'kept women' of humble origins among noblemen, nonetheless he was conflicted knowing Charlize's devotion.

All the night Nicholas could not take the thought off his mind.

The following morning he decided to make a bid with Charlize. He sent for her, telling her to discuss about her engagement to Mr. Morales.

"Don't you think I haven't noticed your displease for leaving Cheshire Park", he said to her,

"It is so indeed",

"I am displeased either. ...More than anything I would like to keep you beside me", Charlize was bewildered and confused by his words, "Sir...", she muttered, he interrupted her: "No, please, let me say what I have to. If it wasn't for my rank I would not wait to propose to you a moment more", Charlize was astonished, she had never imagined to have aroused such interest in Nicholas.

She was speechless, while he continued: "...I believe the best thing for we both is that you marry Mr. Morales or anyone else and you move elsewhere. Do you understand why I am telling you this?", Charlize just nodded, "...Unless you are willing to live with me in concubinage", continued Nicholas, "And I do not mean to offend you by telling you this", Charlize was dismayed to hear that, "A 'companion' is respected in Society as a wife de facto and she has the same rights: an house, servants, carriages...", in her confusion Charlize was only able to say: "...Does Your Grace believe since I am of humble origins I would be willing to become a courtesan*[2]?", he replied: "Of course not, I do not think that about you. I have a profound respect for you", instinctively Charlize said: "I would rather to live with the man I love in completely poverty, wether he'd be bourgeois or farmer it is the same to me, but not an illicit liaison!", said this, she walked to the door, "Charlize", Nicholas said, "With Thy permission", she replied and she walked out.

Charlize did not even know why she had spoke her last words to him... she loved him then? She wondered. Her doubt left her no peace.

But one thing was undoubted to her: she could never accept such a proposal.

Nicholas was expecting she could have such a reaction, but howsoever he was troubled for outraging her with his proposal.

He had nothing left to do but proceed with Charlize's engagement to Mr. Morales. He had to let her go, no matter how much it pained him.

*[1] Spinet: 18th century piano (pianoforte).

*[2] Courtesan: high class public woman.

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