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The following day Charlize demanded to converse with Sir Nicholas.

He asked her: "What is your impression of your betrothed?",

"I am grateful that Mr. Morales has agreed to take me as wife. But honestly I believe he is not a good match for me. He seems to have a mind not compatible with my own",

"You have just met him. You should deepen your knowledge of him",

"Mr. Morales appears to be a quite backward man, Sir. But I understand Thy wish to see me married as soon as possible",

"Like I said, I do not intend to force you to marry someone not to your liking",

"If Thy concern is to send me away from Cheshire Park, there is no need me to get married. I have decided to seek for a service job in some neighbor estate", Nicholas was surprised, "Service job?", he questioned,

"Exactly. I have already informed my father about it",

"It is probably they'd give you manual works, are you aware of that?",

"Even though Thy Lord Father entrusted me the house, I have not forgotten my own place, nor my origins, Sir",

"As you wish. If you do not wish to marry Mr. Morales, I'll let him know",

"Thank you, Sir", Charlize said as she took her leave.

Although Nicholas was relieved thinking that Charlize was not going to marry Mr. Morales, he was displeased that she wanted to go to work elsewhere doing humble works she was not accustomed to.

Perplexed by the situation, Nicholas decided to confide to Lady Gilmore.

He seized the occasion when they were drinking tea together in the living room, "I must admit, dear aunt, Your Grace was right about my interest in mademoiselle Charlize, despite me trying to deny it", he said, "Nephew, it has happened to many other men before you", Lady Gilmore said, not surprised at all,

"Charlize has refused the betrothed I have chosen for her",

"Why is that? A spouse in her same condition would guarantee her respectability",

"I am afraid respectability is not in the first place for her... . She is different from the rest of women",

"Nephew, as I said in our previous conversation, some young women are ambitious. But I know you are clever enough not to forget your own place",

"My feelings for Charlize are sincere, milady. Therefore I am considering to take her as my wife", Lady Gilmore was astonished, "Wife? I hope you are not talking seriously!", she exclaimed,

"Charlize is not the kind of woman to accept any other liaison",

"I thought you were more cunning, nephew",

"She does not do it for ambition, I can assure you",

"Do you want to shame your Lord Father's Good Name? How could you ever show yourself in Society accompanied by a colored woman?",

"I believe I will not be spending much time in Society events. Even though I miss Ireland, I have got the estate to manage now",

"And your acquaintances? Would you lose your fellowships? Do you want people associate Cheshires Good Name with a colored servant's one? A Name that has always been pronounced respectfully in Society",

"I do not expect a life without sacrifices, milady",

"Think carefully before making such an imprudent decision, Nicholas", suggested Lady Gilmore.

Obviously Nicholas was aware of what he would have faced by marrying Charlize; that evening, as he had a cold bath, he reflected on what to do.

The following day he had to deal with another situation: monsieur André informed him about a quarrel between two families laborers, the cause of the quarrel was that a young lady had been dishonored by a laborer, who refused to make amends with marriage.

Nicholas intervened to allay the feud and he tried to speak to the young laborer. He tried to justify himself by claiming he was unable to support a wife, but Nicholas admonished him: "You have dishonored the lady and you must take your responsibility for it, or she will pay for your negligence with a life without possibility of marriage".

To sort the matter out Nicholas offered to ensure a dowry to the lady, which would allow the young labor to support her.

The lady's family, unbeliever, thanked Nicholas for such generosity. And the laborer was persuaded to marry the young lady.

Monsieur André later told the happening to Charlize, "Sir Nicholas has provided a dowry to the young lady, so that the responsible man would be persuaded to marry her", he said, Charlize was astounded, "Sir Nicholas did this? Which nobleman would do such a thing as that?", she exclaimed, "A correct person as he is knows how to act wisely", commented monsieur André.

Despite what had happened between her and Nicholas, Charlize could not help having admiration for him.

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