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The following morning, after his cold bath, Nicholas was visited by Charlize.

"I was just about to come to converse with you", Nicholas said to her, "I have spoke to the Priest to fix the wedding date", with a serious tone Charlize said: "Are you firmly convinced you want to do such a thing?",

"Why do you ask?",

"You are about to make a great sacrifice... low yourself to marry a woman of my kind",

"You are the worthiest person I have ever known", he said approaching her,

"What if you will find yourself ashamed to show yourself in public along me?",

"Do not say that. You will be the fairest Dame",

"Is it true if you'd receive guests for supper I cannot not join you?",

"You will be my wife and you'll take a seat beside me in any case", Charlize was listening perplexed, "And do you believe the Lords would agree to share the table with a woman of my color?",

"Their reaction shall prove if they truly respect me", he stated, "And speaking of which, it is proper you no longer work in the house. You are my fiancée now", continued Nicholas, "I am going to find any woman among the farmers to assist Mrs. Martinez",

"I am not accustomed to do nothing. Even thought I won't be the governess of the house anymore, I hope you do not mind if I continue to help Mrs. Martinez with the housework",

"You can do as you please", Nicholas kissed her.

Charlize's doubts were not completely dispelled, but she certainly could not imagine someone was conspiring to ruin her, to deprive her of the virtue she held dear.

The vile purpose required a "scoundrel", willing to do anything for some silver. Lady Gilmore found it in a young gamekeeper of the estate named Pablo.

She offered him a reward, telling him: "I need a maid who has seduced Sir Cheshire to be 'out'. And I believe the loss of honor would be enough. Do you understand what I mean?", he replied: "Sir Cheshire will sack me, or he could even turn me in to the gendarmes",

"With the sum I shall give you, you will be able to go far from here. And even to buy you a piece of land. You will no longer have masters. Do we have a deal?",

"We do", they plotted the plan against the poor Charlize.

The wedding date had been set right after the Festivity period end.

Charlize and Mrs. Martinez began to sew the wedding dress.

By then Charlize used to eat at the same table as Nicholas and Lady Gilmore, pretended not to see her.

An evening Nicholas informed Charlize of his decision to invite the Irish gentlemen of the neighborhood at the wedding, even though he was not sure if they were willing to attend, "You can invite whoever you wish", Charlize said, "Even if they won't accept invitation it is not matter to me", Nicholas commented,

"If I may, I would like the employee to participate as well. If you do not mind",

"It will be fine",

"Thank you",

"Certainly after the wedding I want your father to come and live in the house with us",

"That is generosity of you", Charlize said gladly.

The following morning Charlize was preparing to go to the market to order some wines for the wedding dinner. For Pablo it was the right opportunity to carry out his nefarious plan.

On the way home Charlize was approached by him, "Charlize", he called her, "Pablo? What are you doing here?", she asked, approaching her Pablo put his hand on her mouth and dragged her to the side of the road: shocked, Charlize tried to break free, but Pablo pushed her to the ground and raised her gown.

Charlize managed to grab a stone and she hit him on the forehead, opening a wound. She seized moment to break free and cry out; so Pablo, fearing to be seen by someone, moved away from her.

As Charlize was crying out, the assaulter spotted some farmers in distance running towards them and he ran away.

The farmers helped Charlize, who was in shock. She, gathering her strength, demanded to be accompanied to Cheshire Park.

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