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During the supper Charlize briefly mentioned the dowry matter with Nicholas, "My father has informed me about the matter involving *** family and the way you have resolved it", she said, "Allow me to express my praise for Thy generosity",

"I did what I thought was right",

"No other nobleman would have bestowed his money, without asking anything in return",

"Money is useless if it is not used for good deeds. With all my faults            I have never dishonored any woman and I have never disclaimed my responsibilities", he said, before retiring in his room.

Meanwhile Charlize, about to retire in her room, received a visit from Mr. André. "I know it is late, dear child", he told her, "But I had to discuss with you about your decision to leave Cheshire Park",

"Father, I have already explained my reasons to you. And I am not content to leave you. But I won't go such a distance",

"Perhaps are you offended by Sir Nicholas's decision to find a betrothed for you?",

"Not at all. It is just I have known nothing but this house ever since I was a child. Working for someone else will be an helpful experience for me",

"You are so young, dear child, you should not be alone in a place you are not familiar with. There are risks you are not aware about",

"Believe me, father, I understand perfectly what you mean. But I can assure you I will be safer elsewhere",

"What do you mean? Perhaps have you had some issues with someone here?", asked Mr. André suspiciously, in awe Charlize said: "I haven't...",

"If any of the servants has molested you I shall care of reproaching him",

"There is no need to reproach anyone, father. I have made my decision. But I assure you I shall be firm", Charlize's words did not reassure him, instead aroused doubts in him.

It did not take long for monsieur André to suspect of Sir Nicholas's involvement.

The following morning Nicholas called Charlize in the library. The whole previous day he had been thinking of a solution to their situation.

Nicholas said to her: "I have called you for I believe it is not proper for you leaving Cheshire Park without a spouse caring of you",

"I am grateful for Thy interest, Sir, but I can take care of myself",

"Nonetheless I prefer you to stay",

"I thought Your Excellency agreed it was better for both of us me to leave the estate", with a serious tone Nicholas said: "I have known many noblewomen in Ireland, but believe me, you are nothing less of them. And your integrity made me love you more", bewildered Charlize looked down and she said with a faint voice: "Please, Sir, do not make things harder...", he approached her, "I want you to become my wife", he said, Charlize was speechless, "If you mean a secret marriage...", she muttered, "Not a secret marriage. We will be husband and wife for all intents and purposes", he replied, Charlize could not believe he had proposed her to marry him, she stayed silent, "If you love me as I love you, say yes", Nicholas said to her, with emotion Charlize replied: "I do      I love you", joyful she continued: "I will marry you", Nicholas smiled and kissed her.

The pair agreed to speak to Mr. André. Charlize was peaceful for she finally could be beside Nicholas honorably.

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