L: Stone Face

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A portal opened itself in front of a military base of Griffin and a man in his late 20's with a light brown hair known as L by his fellow watchers and the characters from the universes he had visited either by himself or with them stepped out of it. The portal closed itself behind him shortly after, having no further reason to remain open and the said man looked at the military base in front of him with an emotionless look on his face. Not wasting any time, he started to make his way towards the base.

As he continued to make his way towards the front entrance of the base, he saw a familiar T-Doll in the form of MDR walk out of the base. The troublemaking T-Doll with differently colored eyes didn't seem to notice him or didn't pay attention to him as she walked past him without even bothering to look at him. Judging from the pout on her face, L could tell she just received scolding from someone, possibly from the Commander, for one of her antics.

He pushed himself away his thoughts about her shortly after, knowing he shouldn't really think about it as he knew it only worked in his benefit because MDR didn't bother him like she usually does whenever she sees him in an attempt to get any emotion out of him. She walked into the Griffin base right after, beginning to make his way through the hallways of the military base in order to reach the Commander's office.

Proceeding to make his way towards his destination, he passed by a few T-Dolls on his way there and all of them offered him either a smile or a wave or both. He passed a corner a few moments later, setting his eyes on the door to the Commander's office. Just as he started to make his way down the hallway towards it, the door was opened and two familiar T-Dolls in the form of M4A1 and M4 SOPMOD II. It didn't took them long to notice them.

"Haha! It's L! L is here again!" SOP-II shouted happily at the view of the watcher as she launched herself towards him and wrapped her arms around him. She gave him a tight hug, nuzzling his chest like she was a dog and looked up at him, "You came to visit me again! You know I did my bestest during the last mission!? Commander Nikolai said so! Praise me!"

"Okay." L nodded, looking down at the T-Doll hugging him as he headpatted her. SOP-II smiled and giggled in delight, acting like an excited puppy. He shifted his attention to M4A1 shortly after, "Hello, M4."

M4A1 smiled at him, "Hello, L."

SOP-II looked up at him curiously, excitement radiating off of her, "You came here to do what I told you, right? Can we go to my dorm and do it now?"

"Not now." L replied.

"Aww. Alright." SOP-II pouted cutely in disappointment, "Will you visit my dorm later for it, though?"

"Yes." L nodded, "I promised to you that I will help you out in whatever you are planning. Right?"

SOP-II pulled away from him and jumped excitedly, "Wahoo! This will be so cool! I need to go get RO, STAR and M16 and get everything ready for it!"

"Wait? They will be there as well...?" L never got a chance to get the answer from the childish T-Doll as she sprinted down the hallway in an excited manner.

M4A1 smiled slightly at the scene as SOP-II vanished from her and L's view, "At least she's back to her normal self."

"Normal self?" L asked her.

"She was acting differently today." M4A1 began her explanation, "She was acting all serious and not like her usual self back when Commander Nikolai was briefing us on our next mission."

L blinked her at, "SOP was acting seriously today?"

"Yes." M4A1 nodded in confirmation, "When we asked her why was she acting like this today a few moments ago, she told us she was a jealous of how Commander Nikolai seems to rely on me and thought she will get praised by him if she will act like me."

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