D and Devola: Animosity

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Eight month for the Watchers:

Devola stretched her arms above her head, having just arrived at the dining room of the watchers HQ. She smiled to herself. Today was a good day. She woke up in her own bed, without having to worry about anything such as the machine attacking the camp and went to her daily morning duties in the infirmary with N and Popola. What made everything about her work better was the fact that she wasn't mistreated when she did a mistake or didn't have to take up additional work, just like she did back in the Resistance Camp in her homeworld.

The red haired android let out a deep satisfied exhale, showing herself how happy she was and felt like right now. She felt like she was in paradise right now. This entire place was a paradise if she was honest with herself. Her life had been nothing but paraside for the last six months since she moved in into the HQ to live with the watchers with her sister, A2 and 6O. There was may have been one negative about living here, but she preferred not to think about it now and focus on her good day and the good she was in right now.

She pushed herself into walk towards the kitchen, wanting to get herself something to eat. Even though she didn't have to eat as an android, she grew to like it over the course of the last few months and found herself going to the dining room daily to try whatever was on the menu on the said day. As she continued to make her way towards the kitchen, she looked around herself to see whoever was in the dining room right now as she was curious if she will be eating something alone right now or not.

She instantly saw a few familiar places. Her sister Popola and her boyfriend A were among them. Both of them were sitting by the same table, eating their own meals while having a decent conversation with each other. They glanced towards her and looked like they had wanted to invite her to join them but Devola shook her head, silently declining it as she wanted her sister to have some fun time with her boyfriend. The others watchers in the dining room included H, E, U, L and F. She decided not to bother them as well and made her way straight into the kitchen.

After making her way into the kitchen and placing the food which was prepared today by J on her plate, she walked out of it straight away and looked around herself in search of an empty table for herself. She didn't have to look for long as she found what she was looking for a second later. It was one of the many benefits of living in a place as large as this. There was always an empty table or an empty space for her whenever she arrived at the dining room with her food in ready.

Not wasting any time, she made her way to the free table and took her seat. Looking down at her meal, she licked her lips readily as she was more than ready to dig into her meal. If she was honest with herself, she couldn't recall J making a meal like this before and it made her even more excited to try it out and see how much she will enjoy it. Who knew. Perharps it will even end up being one of her favourites. She grabbed her fork, grabbing a delicious looking piece of meat with it and began lift it up to her mouth.

Just as she was about to dig into her meal, she felt someone sit down next to her. She shifted her attention away from her good, keeping the smile on her face as she expected to see someone she will be glad to see. She was wrong. She was the one person she didn't want to see right now. This person was D. He must have arrived at the dining room shortly before her and must have grabbed his food when she was looking. Judging from the bags he had under his eyes right now, he looked like he hadn't gotten enough sleep last night.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, showing him how she wasn't happy to see him right now as she felt her interest and her appetite fade away in an instant, resulting in her placing her fork back on her plate. Her smile faded away from her face as soon as she laid her eyes on him.

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