E: Regular Watcher

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E kept his gaze on the ground, trimming his bushes as he was in the middle of his work day at the park. With his boss Benson taking care of the same task not too far from him, he did his best to make himself look like he was working as he knew how angry Benson could get whenever he didn't saw someone working and a screaming match with him is one of the least things he wanted to deal with today. He had already gone through a few of those due to her antics he had gotten himself with his co-workers and the excitement of seeing him in person quickly turned into irritation.

Seeing how some of his fellow watchers visited the universes they were interested, E became inspired by them and decided it was time to finally visit one for himself. He ultimately decided to visit Regular Show. It was always his favourite cartoon and knew visiting it would be fun. He even based off his super weapon on this cartoon and his super weapon were two gauntlets which were based off of the Fists of Justice. Following his arrival in this world, he quickly got himself hired at the park at the same time Mordecai and Rigby hired themselves and got himself acquainted with his new co-workers.

All of them were fun in their own ways, just like he had expected and hoped for when he first arrived in their world. Mordecai and Rigby were great and fun to hang out as he became good friends with them straight away due to both of them being new at the park. Skips, Hi-Five-Ghost and Pops were great as well. Benson was nice as well, despite his episodes. Muscle Man was a bit annoying, though. He saw this coming, though. It was just how he was like at the start of the show.  He got a chance to met Margaret and Eileen through Mordecai and Rigby and they were nice as well. Mordecai's attempts at flirting with Margaret left him cringing a bit, though.

"...It's neither of your birthdays." Benson's voice brought him out of his thoughts regarding his job as he shifted his attention away from his work to him and saw Mordecai and Rigby talking with him. E narrowed his eyes a bit, feeling like he had seen something like this before.

"Aw, man! He's killin' us with that!" Rigby whined. He and Mordecai aftewards looked at each other and chorused together "No cake. No cake." in a sad voice. 

E nodded to himself, feeling like he already know why this was familiar to him as he stepped closer to Mordecai, Rigby and Benson. Trying to play like he doesn't know what they are talking about due to them still not knowing about him being a multiversial deity and about all the multiverse stuff, he asked them, "Hey, guys. What's up?"

Mordecai turned to him, letting out a dejected hug, "We're not getting any cake. That's why!"

"A cake?" E raised his brow. He looked like a normal young man by the age of 23. He had a short clean cut black hair, brown eyes and his skin was olive toned, "Can't you just make yourself one or buy one? If you want a free one, then you need wait for your birthday."

Rigby followed Mordecai's example and let out a sigh, "I know!"

It was when Pops popped out of the bushes, making himself known to everyone and everyone saw him wearing explorers hat and binoculars, "But it's Skips' birthday!"

Mordecai and Rigby got excited in an instant as they waved their arms and said in unison with excitement in their voices, "Free cake! Free cake!"

"But he's really private about it." Benson explained.

Mordecai and Rigby once again waved their arms only this time without any enthusiasm as they uttered in unison with sadness evident in their voices, "No cake. No cake."

"Really? What does he do on his birthday?" E asked. Even if he already knew the reason for it, he knew he had to play dumb for the purpose of keeping up the normal human image he was trying to give everyone at the park.

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