P: Day as a Tomboy

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It was a typical day for the residents of the watchers. Everyone occupied themselves with their own business and activities for the day, allowing this day to pass normally. The said everyone included P, R, K and Q. All four of them were in the living room where four young women were huddled around a television, each clutching a controller in her hand. Having decided to hang out together today the day before, all of them met up some time ago earlier this day and started a game of one of their favourite games to play with more than one person.

The said game was Mario Kart and all of them found themselves engrossed as they raced through the Rainbow Bridge. As the next race between them started, the sound of the virtual engines filled the room and Q instantly took an early lead in the game, putting her skills in this game to good use as R, P and P chased after her. R and P stayed behind her, keeping themselves with a chance of passing her while K was way in the back, having been knocked away by R shortly after the race begun.

"Ha! Eat my dust, guys!" Q laughed in a victorious manner, being more than into the game they were having right now as she kept herself on the lead of everyone and intended to keep herself in this place for the rest of the game.

R smirked a bit, shifting her attention from the game to Q and waggled her eyebrows suggestively at the only non-Asian woman in their group, "I wouldn't mind eating something else of yours, Q~."

Q rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing slightly as she knew what was R referring to, having been teased and flirted about it by her more than enough times by this point, "R, seriously? Can't you just focus on the game for once?"

"It's R. What were you expecting from her?" K asked, her eye twitching a bit as she struggled to keep up with the others, leaving her characters trailing behind the others. Her falling off the track and getting hit by a shell certainly didn't help her situation, causing her to let out a frustated sigh whenever it happened. 

R shifted her attention to K, keeping her smirk on her face, "You're just jealous you've been left behind the four of us. Again."

"Shut up..." K muttered under her breath, finding herself growing embarassed by R's words and felt blush growing on her face because of this emotion.

"You know. Perharps there's a way we could help you a bit out of this tough spot." R suggested, switching her flirting behavior from K to Q and winked at her fellow Asian, "If you need any... 'assistance' with your controls, just let me know."

K's face blushed bright red, a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance evident in her expression. "Cut it out, R! We're trying to play here!"

R decided to mess with K a bit more by pointing out, "Really? From the way you're playing, I can't tell if you're playing the game or are doing who knows what else."

K's face grew more redder at her comment, "Shut up! Did you forget what I just said here? Can't you play normally for once?"

Q shook her head, letting out a sigh, "At least there's a bright side in all of this."

K looked at Q like she had grown a second head, "Really? What is that? I'm dying to know."

"With R acting like this. she keeps her focus away from the game and it allows me to win it easily." Q replied, forming a grin on her face as she paid no attention to P who kept her silent for now and who, just like R, kept her car close to her.

"Really? We'll see about that." R muttered under her breath, shifting her gaze away from K to look back at the TV with the game in front of her. With a mischievousness becoming evident in her eyes, she strategically positioned herself behind Q's kart, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

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